Taxi driver swerves to avod a cat and ends up on top of a parked car

Taxi driver swerves to avod a cat and ends up on top of a parked car

This is what can happen when a driver swerves to avoid a cat on the road. There is an amusing element to this but obviously a more serious side both in terms of human health and welfare and that of the domestic cat wandering around at 4 AM in the morning as they do.

Far too many domestic cats are killed on the road in the UK and elsewhere.

There is, I detect, a growing trend towards keeping cats indoors all the time to avoid this sort of incident.

With an increased human population these dangers increase and it is foreseeable that in the long term most domestic cats will be kept inside at all times. This will place a greater responsibility upon cat owners to entertain their cats and create as natural an environment as possible.

It will lead to far more cat enclosures attached to homes and catios.

Housebuilders should be building these into homes as an option in my opinion.

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