Taxonomy in a Sentence

Taxonomy in a sentence
Taxonomy in a sentence

Here are some examples of the word ‘taxonomy’ in a sentence.

  • I like the science of taxonomy.
  • Taxonomy is an evolving science.
  • The classification of animal and plant species is called taxonomy.
  • The science of taxonomy with respect to the wild cat species (including the domestic cat) has become more sophisticated thanks to DNA testing which has resulted in there being less wild cat species and subspecies.

The sentences also explain what taxonomy is and how it is evolving. There are still many species of animal and plant which are yet to be classified.

When scientists first classified wild cat species they did so based entirely on appearance. As wild cats are hard to spot and study in the wild, in the early days over 100 years ago, mistakes were made. In some instances the same species was classified as two or more animals because its appearance changed due to environmental influences over its very large distribution. DNA testing has clarified things.

There is not much more to say really. I hope this helps.

Associated: Felidae in a sentence.

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