It is a very cute video and we should enjoy cute cat videos. They amuse us and improve our lives. This cat such a darling. I am touched by his behaviour. I am not, therefore, being critical.
However, I can’t help asking myself if this is humanising one’s cat too much. I feel I have to ask if the lady has gone too far in relating to her cat as a human baby instead of a cat.
She’ll be putting him in diapers (nappy) next 😉 – or feeding him baby food. Don’t misunderstand me, I see the good side to this: a loving home and a content cat. I also see the anthropomorphizing of a cat. I have always argued against this because I believe it unhelpful in the human to cat relationship.
Perhaps she is aware of the way she is relating to her cat and accepts it because it is the way their relationship worked out. However, if she is unaware of it, there is a problem.
It’s strange . She seems to want her cat to be dependent on her .
He should be drinking from a bowl . Let him be a cat , who runs &
plays , maybe another cat to play with would be a good idea , than she can enjoy watching the interplay .
I would only worry if she was letting the cat outside, I do not know if what she is doing is making the cat helpless by taking away the fight or flight survival instinct including if the cat got lost. I would hope that she would also engages the cat in play that satisfies and enforces feline instincts like hunting, etc. to balance out nurturing with exercising and instinctual behavior.
It may be cute, but to me it’s scary. A cat is a cat with a cat’s nature. And the human is-well who knows what a human is half the time.
Sure it’s cute, but there is a downfall to it, and to forget about a cat’s true nature is like to only breathe out without breathing in. It’s incomplete and leads to harm in our relationship such as abandoning cats when they outgrow their kitten hood and or become too inconvenient… i.e. when they scratch or pee on furniture… when they require deeper understanding and commitment from us. We have to value and accept them for what they are, not just what they appear to be.
Sure it’s cute, but there is a downfall to it, and to forget about a cat’s true nature is like to only breathe out without breathing in. It’s incomplete and leads to harm in our relationship such as abandoning cats when they outgrow their kitten hood and or become too inconvenient… i.e. when they scratch or pee on furniture… when they require deeper understanding and commitment from us. We have to value them for what they are, not just what they appear to be.