Ten of the best Maine Coon cats that you will see

These Maine Coon cats are, I believe, what I call ‘continental cats’ meaning cats from the continent of Europe. They look a bit different to the American version of the same breed. Do you think they look different to the American Maine Coon? If so, which type do you prefer? These really are fantastic looking Maine Coon cats and the pictures have been posted on the Facebook page: Chat chats et chats. This is a page run by a French lady (I presume) and as you can guess the title of this community page is “Cat cats and cats”.

Here are the photos. Below each one I have left a brief comment. Please feel free to add comments about these cats. I can then add them to the page if it would help.

Calico Maine Coon
Gorgeous Calico Maine Coon

The first picture is of a fantastic looking dark calico Maine Coon. I do not think I’ve seen a better looking cat. She is, of course, female as nearly all calico cats are female. Everything about her looks perfect.

Grey Smoke Maine Coon?
Grey or black Smoke Maine Coon?

This cat appears to be male. His coat is grey and he appears to be a grey smoke Maine Coon. I am not sure though. However, his coat does look like it is a smoke coat. His expression is priceless. He almost looks like a cartoon character. His face has human characteristics almost.

Tabby-and-white Maine Coon
Tabby-and-white Maine Coon

This is a tabby and white. She looks female and she is young and absolutely splendid. Look at her whiskers curling around in front of her face. They are exceptionally long.

Calico Maine Coon
Calico Maine Coon

This is another calico cat. She has lots of white and quite a feminine face.

Calico Maine Coon
Calico Maine Coon

This is another calico cat; this time with the classic two-faced appearance as there is a large block of black fur on the right side of her face which runs down the midline of her nose. We see this quite a lot in calico cats (see below for instance).

Tabby-and-whit Maine Coon
Tabby-and-whit Maine Coon

This is another beautiful tabby and white. He or she is a kitten. Once again the whiskers are longer and somewhat chaotic and the “ear furnishings” are copious, meaning that she has lots of hair in and at the ends of her ears.

Calico Maine Coon
Calico Maine Coon

This is yet another calico cat who also has a blaze running down her face. Because the lynx tips to the ears are in black fur they stand out and make the ears look very long and pointed.

Pale ginger tabby Maine Coon
Pale ginger tabby Maine Coon

This is a ginger tabby. He appears to have a dilute version of the ginger coat. Everything is in place right down to the orange eyes.

Black Maine Coon
Black Maine Coon

What a black Maine Coon cat this boy is! He looks superb.

Blue Maine Coon
Blue Maine Coon

Finally, this is a grey (blue) cat once again looking beautiful with everything in place including beautiful green eyes which go together so perfectly with the grey fur.

I don’t know who took the photos. My guess is that there are all from the same breeder in Europe and the breeder also took the photos. I’m happy to be corrected. I’d also be more than happy to provide a photographic credit. Whoever you are you have some beautiful cats and your photography is good too.

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10 thoughts on “Ten of the best Maine Coon cats that you will see”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Since snobbery abounds in the cat show world, the European look may become popular with breeders and judges, because it would make the breed very distinct from look-alike moggies. (I suspect this snobbery may also have contributed towards the ultra-typing of both the Persian and Siamese.)

    I like the British bred Maine Coons best. They strike a nice balance somewhere between the American and European versions. I met one at a pet show last year who was huge, but still had the traditional elegant head shape.

  3. They should do exceptionally well because they are better in my opinion than American Maine Coons.

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