Tending for Tyson and Justice for Sarge

by Elisa Black-Taylor

Tyson and Sarge

Tyson and Sarge

For those of you not familiar with the Tending for Tyson case, please read Tending for Tyson who was kidnapped and shot. before reading this article. Michael has asked me to do an update of the story. I also want to add another dog shooting from Toledo at the end.

Everyone please get a bullet to bite on and a Kleenex to cry on. This whole situation is a heart breaker.

There was a rally for Tyson this morning outside of the Toledo Municipal Court building in Toledo, Ohio. Several dozen supporters turned out in support of Tyson, who was kidnapped from his back yard on June 23, 2010. He was shot and managed to return home before collapsing from gunshot wounds to his head and leg.

Many supporters carried posters and passed out flyers in support of Tyson. Eric Skowron and Alisha King were booed, cussed at and heckled as they entered the courthouse to face charges.

Both pleaded not guilty of all charges, including cruelty to animals and criminal trespassing. Their attorney, Don Cameron, stressed that Skowron is an animal lover with a dog of his own. He claims Tyson terrorized the neighborhood and would like his day in court to plead his case.

Scott and Kelly Luck, Tyson's owners, are confident the legal system will hand out a just punishment.

Eric Skowron and Alisha King have been released on monitored O.R. bond while awaiting trial and ordered not to have contact with the Luck family.

To make matters worse, another dog in Toledo has been shot. Here is the story of Sarge.

The victim in this shooting is Sarge, a German shepherd. Lawrence Mick and his friend Adam Collins allegedly took turns shooting Mick's dog Sarge. The German shepherd has so far survived six .25 caliber gunshot wounds to the head, neck and chest. The bullets are still in him. What makes this shooting all the more sinister is Sarge was in a cage while this was going on.

According to witnesses, Mick and Collins were taking turns with the gun and appeared to enjoy the tortured sounds Sarge was making. This poor dog had no way whatsoever to defend himself. A neighbor, Melissa Campau, made the 911 call to police after hearing the first shot and the dog yelp.

Mick and Collins of Toledo, Ohio were arrested on Friday, July 9, 2010 and charged with cruelty to animals, discharging a firearm and inducing panic. The shooting occurred at around 6:30 p.m. that evening at the home of Mick, who shares the residence with his girlfriend. His friend, Adam Collins, has pleaded no contest to the charges.

Both men were arraigned on Monday and will appear in court next week to face charges. Mick will appear before before Toledo Municipal Judge Timothy Kuhlman on Monday, July 17. His only punishment so far was being held in Lucas County jail the night of the shooting in lieu of a $25,000 bond. He claimed Sarge was a vicious dog and had bitten him.

Collins later denied he took part in the shooting. He stated in an interview with The Toledo Blade that Sarge had bitten Mick's girlfriend and he was only visiting to help move the dog kennel.

Keep in mind Collins admitted to having two dogs of his own and there were witnesses who saw him take part in the shooting.

After pleading no contest Collins was found guilty of cruelty to animals, inducing panic, discharge of a firearm and giving a false police statement. He will go before the judge on July 21 in Toledo Municipal Court.

As for Sarges condition, Julie Lyle, Lucas County game warden, said Sarge only needs pain killers and antibiotics. He's a very brave dog and is up eating and drinking while he recovers at the Lucas County dog pound.

Do you ever get so angry you could just strangle someone? That's how the residents feel in Ohio and the rest of the country. There are many good people in the Toledo, Ohio area who would be willing to give Sarge a new home if a miracle happens and he pulls thru.

The sad part in all of this is Sarge may be put down since his owner declared him dangerous and gave that for the reason to shoot him. Or the unthinkable could happen and he could die from his injuries.

All of this leads me to wonder why it's so hard to get tougher animal cruelty laws passed. How many animals have to suffer or die before this country wakes up to reality. People who abuse animals often escalate to people. We've got to get more states to toughen up penalties for abuse. Especially willful abuse.

Judges need to hand out the maximum sentence and let these abusers/murders know that animal abuse WILL NOT be punished by a slap on the wrist. Jail time needs to be mandatory.

Scott and Kelly Luck, Tysons owners, are also adding Sarge to their Facebook page for Tyson. Information on either dog can be found on Facebook under Tending For Tyson.

Sarge also has his own page at Facebook under Justice for Sarge. Please check into these Facebook pages as they are listing ways to help with the veterinary bills.

I would also like to mention that Sarge's owner has started his own Facebook page. It can be reached by entering Saving Sarge. There are several bloody pictures on this page. We're all working to have it shut down for violent/bloody content. So far Facebook hasn't removed the page. Check it out at your own risk because you'll be FURIOUS after you do.

Sarge is currently at the Lucas County dog pound. Since he has a history of biting he is not a candidate for adoption from the pound. The Humane Society is trying to get custody of him and plans are being made to test him for aggression. This test will play a major role in whether he is euthanized or adopted out thru a rescue group. There are countless people all over the country offering Sarge a safe and loving home.

Poor baby. I hate to imagine what his life has been like living in a cage with people who either hated him or just didn't have a clue on how to treat an animal.

Hopefully all of the abusers will be handed the worst punishment imaginable. I'll add comments to keep everyone updated.




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Tending for Tyson and Justice for Sarge

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Aug 27, 2010
Scott Martin is a CON
by: Anonymous

Scott Martin is an ex-con with fake credentials and whose story is full of lies. People need to do a better job of researching where they send their dogs.

Jul 26, 2010
cage aggresive
by: kathy

I have had many expierences with any animal becoming cage aggresive. I once took care of a lovely springer spaniel. She was extremely cage aggresive. The family trusted me to care for her while they were out of town for many years. I just was careful not to try to put my hands in the cage. The owner told me she became that way after she was hospitalized and they beleive a kennel worker there teased her through the cage. When I was a child we had a farm dog when we moved into town. One neighbor hood kid teased him through the fence by poking sticks at him. One day he was in the yard with my brother and my mother opened the door a little bit to talk to my brother and the dog pushed open the door and attacked the kid. Needless to say my parents became afraid he was becoming too aggresive so he became the victim of animal cruelty and was put to sleep. You cant push animals beyond their limit. They too have a threshold as to how much abused they can take. I hope these animal abusers could suffer similar fates as the animals they have tortured to the point of aggresion.

Jul 25, 2010
Thank you Joyce
by: Paula Slade

This is a fine article that will raise awareness to the public Joyce. Keep up the good works and bless you for your efforts.

Jul 20, 2010
Tyson and sarge
by: Anonymous

My love and prayers to the both of you.Tyson,you have a wonderful family!Poor sarge,I am sad for you,I hope your Humans are Put in a cage and tortured like you were.They blamed you for their ignorance and i pray all the abusers involved get very very strict punishments.We here for you Tyson and Sarge!The abusers may meet us one day...I will have a cage and muzzle ready for them as i am sure i am not alone in this thought!

Jul 19, 2010
Lawrence Mick
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

Lawrence Mick went before the judge today (July 19, 2010) and plead not guilty. He is being held in lieu of $20,000 bond and will appear before the judge again on Friday. He is now claiming his friend shot Sarge.

Jul 17, 2010
Kids Killing Cats
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

Go back and read that story and you'll see why I'm so hot on this. Almost all serial killers started with torturing animals. And because they were underable their records were "forgiven."

Kids Killing cats

Jul 17, 2010
by: Tracey (England)

It seems as though Sarge got dumped with just anyone when those babies came along. If he was such a lovely obedient dog there was no need to re-home the poor soul babies or not!
I'll bet he was a lovely friendly dog until he was passed to those freaks to cage and brutalise him.
I'm not surprised he bit her.
Thing is if a dog is dangerous you take him to be euthanised you don't take pot shots at him.
We must have stiffer penalties for animal cruelty! Its true that someone who tortures an animal will move onto humans.
Point in question (I know I've said this before and its a factual point) some years ago in the UK there was outrage when two young boys kidnapped, sexually abused, tortured and murdered a little boy much younger than them. The british judicial system in its infinitate wisdom gave them new identities. I'm not sure how old they are now but I'm thinking early twenties. Recently one of them is up again on charges of holding pornographic images of children on his computer. It was discovered when the two boys were convicted (they were no older than 10 from what I remember) that they tortured small animals for fun. Need I say more?

These vile excuses for humans have no souls. They are evil, they should be punished and watched very closely. Animal torture is not normal behaviour never let it be brushed under the carpet.

Jul 17, 2010
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

There is a rally at 8 a.m. at the Toledo Municipal Courthouse for Sarge before the the owner goes to court. ALL animal lovers need to be there-whether they love a dog or a cat or a horse. This is to strengthen cruelty laws.

Jul 17, 2010
Had wrong court date
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

It should have read Monday, July 19 instead of July 17.

There will definitely be more articles on abuse. It's sad I can't find many good things to talk about.

Jul 17, 2010
Animal Cruelty Laws
by: Judy

Very good article. This is the only way we will be able to get the message out to change the animal cruelty laws in Ohio. We need more articles like this to make the people aware of what is going out there. Can you imagine the animals dogs, cats etc. that are being abused that we don't even hear about? I am so glad that people are standing up for these animals. The news stations, The Blade, the internet and magazines like yours can put this info out there for everyone to read and come together to help and fight this cause. Thank You

Jul 17, 2010
Animal Cruelty Laws
by: Judy

Very good article. This is the only way we will be able to get the message out to change the animal cruelty laws in Ohio. We need more articles like this to make the people aware of what is going out there. Can you imagine the animals dogs, cats etc. that are being abused that we don't even hear about? I am so glad that people are standing up for these animals. The news stations, The Blade, the internet and magazines like yours can put this info out there for everyone to read and come together to help and fight this cause. Thank You

Jul 17, 2010
Tending for Tyson and Justice for Sarge
by: BJ

I agree that these people should get the maximum sentence for animal cruelty, unfortunately many people get a slap on the wrist. Animal cruelty
is not a priority in most courts.

Our family recently lost a cat to the neighborhood dogs that are turned loose to run the streets. There is a leash law in our state;but, no one will enforce the law.

My niece that lives in Tn lost 3 of her cats to a pack of dogs that came into the yard and killed them. Since no person could be proved owner of any of the dogs, no one was held responsible for this horendus murder.

Jul 17, 2010
Background Info on Sarge
by: Justice for Sarge site

heres some more info on Sarges background...via...Elizabeth Marie Sugg ...from The Blade:

"One of Sarge's original owners, Mario Kiezi, 20, of Point Place, was surprised by the purported circumstances of the July 1 bites.

“As a previous owner, I know Sarge would never bite a woman unless provoked,” Mr. Kiezi said in an interview. “He generally was a pretty friendly dog.”...

Mr. Kiezi said his family got the dog as a pup from a Sandusky breeder about 3½ years ago and named him Sarge. He was very popular at his family's Navarre Carryout in Oregon, where customers often brought him treats.

As Sarge grew older, he received training in obedience and other skills that he could use at the store.

“We had him trained on a special word if he ever needed to attack,” Mr. Kiezi said, “but we never really used it.”

Mr. Kiezi said it was a sad day when they returned Sarge to the breeder about a year ago as three members of his family were expecting children. “We had a house filled with babies and we didn't want to take a chance with babies around,” he said

Jul 17, 2010
by: Michael

Thanks Elisa for the update. The human race is bad and sad....

Another aspect of these sad stories is that people either directly or indirectly created Sarge a supposed aggressive dog. And people then mistreat the dog and try and kill it before it is euthanised. It is all mad and the dog suffers and is miserable.

When are we going to improve? Are we getting worse? It looks that way sometimes.

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