Tending For Tyson Who Was Kidnapped and Shot
by Elisa Black-Taylor
Tyson's Facebook Picture
Good morning dear readers. I'm kind of breaking the rules here because this story is about Tyson, a dog from Ohio. The reason I'm crossing over into the dog world is this: what happened to Tyson the dog could easily happen to any dog or cat anywhere.
For those of you unfamiliar with the case, Tyson was kidnapped from his own yard and shot. Before I go any further, here's the link for the petition site for tougher laws. They have around 500 names and they need 5000. This petition is sponsored by Ingi's Quest 2 save the abused.
Petition: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/petition/816/123/113 (petition appears to be closed as link is no longer active)
Now for the story of Tyson the dog from Toledo, Ohio. Tyson was in his own back yard when Eric Skowron and Alisha Marie King allegedly kidnapped the dog, took him by leash off of his property, shot him, then returned him back home to die.
Tyson suffered a .45 caliber gunshot wound to the eye and has two bullets lodged in his right arm. Luckily the bullets missed major arteries, organs and his brain. Dr. Roger Grotheus, Tyson's vet, stated Tyson is not out of the woods but the outlook is VERY hopeful.
The family has started him on some mushy food to help him regain the 20+ pounds of weight he's lost since the attempted murder. I call it this because that's what it is. Anyone who tries to come up with a just cause for this is inhuman. This poor dog is a fighter and trying his best to live.
Tyson's owners, Scott and Kelly Luck, and family and friends have started a Facebook page to inform the world of Tyson's progress and also to make everyone aware of the law for animal cruelty in Ohio. The Facebook page can be found at Tending for Tyson and has more than 5000 fans.
So far, Tyson's vet bills have topped $8000 and the bill will rise as treatment continues. Of course, there is no price that can be put on the head of a loving animal. We all do what we must and pay what we must to save the life of a four footed companion. There is information on the Facebook page on how money can be given toward his vet bill. I also want to give that information here.
The Fifth Third Bank locations in Toledo have set up a Tending for Tyson Fund. Also Hamlins Second Time Around New and Used Furniture Store, 6215 Hill Avenue is collecting toys and treats.
The family said they would like to thank everyone for the help given. Money and toys have both been coming in, mostly by strangers who heard Tyson's story.
The kidnapping was caught on video surveillance and can be watched here. There is no violence in the video, so please feel free to see how easily this could happen. I will caution you that the more times you watch this, the more angry you'll become. To think of this poor dog being kidnapped and led away not knowing his fate is beyond comprehension. A CAT may have put up more of a struggle. Maybe and maybe not. The point is animals trust us and this is how too many people treat them!
This video is dated June 23, 2010. Perhaps I should call it "evidence."
According to Ohio law, animal cruelty is a second degree misdemeanor. Skowron is a neighbor to the Luck family. He claims Tyson, a 9 year old Shepherd/Lab/Rottweiler mix, was a threat to his own dog. He even called 911 (emergency) after dropping the injured dog back in his yard to die.
Skowron stated in the call that Tyson had attacked his dog. When authorities went out they found no injuries to said dog. The Luck family has never met Eric Skowron, and are trying in their hearts to forgive him. They state they'd like some answers first. Especially to the question of why he shot their dog instead of first coming to them if they had a problem with Tyson. I'm sorry, but I personally can't forgive people who torture animals.
Eric Skowron and Alisha King are scheduled to appear in Toledo Municipal Court in Toledo, Ohio on July 16, 2010. He will face several misdemeanor charges. The Toledo Area Humane Society has filed charges against him for torture of a companion animal and killing or injuring an animal. To make the case stronger, Officer Cynthia Russell with the police department is charging him with making a false police report and discharging a firearm. Alisha King has been charged with torture of a companion animal and killing or injuring an animal.
Eric Skorwon has since installed video cameras on his property and refuses to talk with the press or public about this matter on advice of his attorney Don Cameron. Skorwon says there is another side to the story and he is prepared to tell this in court on July 16.
A rally has been scheduled in front of the Toledo Municipal Court building at 12:30 on July 16, 2010 to show support for tougher animal cruelty laws in Ohio. John Dinon, the executive director of the Toledo Area Humane Society says the society will be present for the rally in an effort to toughen animal cruelty laws in Ohio.
To learn the latest information on this rally and the court appearance, please check www.tmc-clerk.com and put in case CRB-10-10698 as this is the torture charge for Skorwon. There is a chance that he and his attorneys will arrive early and make a "not guilty" plea and arrangements be made for pretrial. Which would leave him free until a new date has been set.
There is much going on in the Ohio government, mainly concerning HB55, which involves animal cruelty laws. The entire bill can be found at http://www.legislature.state.oh.us/bills.cfm?ID=128_HB_55.
I've only confused myself in reading this as I don't know if the bill has or hasn't passed. I do know the current penalty for this kind of abuse is only a slap on the wrist. A small fine and little (if any) jail time. Hopefully a reader more familiar with HB55 will leave a comment with more information on this bill.
I want to throw my personal opinion in before ending this. I hope this case is prosecuted to the full extent of the law. If not, it will tell animal abusers in Ohio that it's okay to kidnap, torture and/or murder cats and dogs without fear of legality. The Luck family is using Tyson to toughen animal cruelty laws and I commend them and Tyson to stand up for what is right.
Please take a moment to sign the petition above. Let's show the government it's NOT right to abuse a defenseless animal. Our pets are depending on us to take every step and sign every petition necessary to protect them from abuse.
Associated pages:
USA Animal Cruelty Laws (overview)
From Tending For Tyson Who Was Kidnapped and Shot to Cats and the Law