by Karen Thomas
I know a gentleman I met online who claims to have shot and killed many cats in Rhea County Tn. He claims to enjoy it.
He also claims they are not licensed so they are fair game. Also he claims his police department also does the same thing. They like shooting cats in TN.
I would like to see it stopped everywhere as I am sure that this state is not the only state to participate in this cruel and inhumane treatment of feral and stray cats.
I have only proof of his claims via screen captures of what he has stated. He does not realize how serious I am about protecting the strays and feral cats.
When I was younger I used to feed the feral and strays in my neighborhood and looking back on it it really wasn’t the best idea I had but I was looking to try and at least keep some of them alive a little bit longer.
In California strays and feral cats are not shot just because people think they are nuisances; which in the case of this Tn man he thinks they are.
I am working on getting him to post a video of him actually shooting a cat on his property and sending it to the ASPCA to show what is happening there.
Along with the screen captures I have. If this is legal in their state, shame on them. And shame on the people who participate in this cruel game.
Karen Thomas an activist in protecting all animals
You are an unpleasant person. I will let you comment on the site because people need to know that unpleasant people like you exist. To say that the only good cat is a dead cat is highly unpleasant. It indicates a lack of morality. It indicates that you do not have a level of decency desirable in a human being.
Good! Most vets hate cats, as they are useless. The only good cat is a dead cat
Thank you for replying.
Alice, thank for stopping by the website. And thanks for commenting. I realise shooting of cats goes on a lot and the people who do it very rarely get caught and prosecuted. There is just no desire to bother to do it by the police and as you say the people who do it have connections and so on. Sometimes the police shoot cats as well. It is terribly cruel and horrible human behavior. It shows the bad side of people and there are lots of bad, lazy and nasty people out there.
I have been brought into this ugly senseless cruelty towards cats. I was living at a trailer park in MANCHESTER, TN. and the owners there hated cats. They wasn’t aware that i seen one of them shooting a cat.The police said it was against the law for shooting a cat. If i could produce proof i could have the person arrested. It was my word against a very powerful person who was well know in the small town.HE was very wealthy. HE HAS BEEN GETTING AWAY WITH KILLING CATS A LONG TIME. MY QUESTION IS WHEN DOES IT STOP WITH CATS AND THEN GOES TO HUMANS?