Thank you!

Thank you!

by Vanessa
(El Cerrito, California USA)

My beautiful Nebelung cat, Buju, is much appreciated in our home and I just wanted to thank you for recognizing his good looks on your site.
This is Vanessa (aka… V La) and Buju’s photos can be found on Flickr.

I would appreciate it if you could have the photo link back to the Flickr page somehow – that would be terrific.

Again, many thanks. Please be sure to check our Flickr page in the future as I hope to get a new camera in a few months and take even better photos of Buju in the months to come.


Hi Vanessa

Thanks for this. I have provided the link to your Flickr page (just below the photo on the Nebelung page) and in fact changed the photo to another of yours. There great photos and a fine cat – a rare cat too.

POC Admin

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