Thanks to a concerned stranger, animal control and a microchip, a family in Connecticut has been reunited with the cat who escaped from them in 2016.

Dooley was adopted as a rescue when owner Suzanne Monnes and her husband lived in Florida. While they were moving, Dooley made his escape in Madison. The family did all they could to find him, including putting up flyers and posters as well as contacting the police.
Suzanne says her family never heard a thing until last Friday when a concerned citizen called animal control about a hungry cat roaming a Madison neighborhood. The animal control officer recognized Dooley and began scrolling through old Facebook posts of missing pets. A match was made and Suzanne was contacted.
During an interview with NBC Connecticut Suzanne explained
“I went over and saw him and immediately, immediately I knew it was Dooley. I knew. “I said, by the way, Dooley has a chip, a microchip. The minute they scanned him, they knew it was Dooley, and I got something on my phone from the American Kennel Club Reunite Program saying my cat had been found in Madison.”
Dooley had been microchipped while living in Florida. Suzanne said she didn’t give it much thought but had the simple procedure done because her vet recommended it. She now believes every pet should be microchipped and credits the chip with proving she definitely had her cat and not some other cat who merely looked like Dooley.
“It’s absolutely amazing. It really is, and he’s in perfect condition. There isn’t a flea, there’s nothing. It’s unbelievable. He’s settled just right in, sleeps wherever he wants. What’s not to like, right? Except he can’t be outside, right? Obviously.”
During the three years apart the family didn’t adopt another cat because there was only one Dooley. He’s five years old now. Since the reunion they’ve made quite a few trips to the store to add to Dooley’s collection of toys.
Microchips are a must these days. Cats can escape accidentally, during a natural disaster, during a fire and even during a burglary. A microchip gives a cat a much greater chance of being reunited, even after several years.
The family believes someone was caring for Dooley during his time away from home.