Thanks to the power of social media networking, a Mount Vernon cat named Baxter was stolen during a carjacking on Saturday has been found and reunited with his family, CBS Baltimore reported. Click here to read the story of how two men stole the car and the family cat belonging to Faith Peck.

Rea, a family member, said Baxter was found in an alley in his carrier in Bolton Hill. She received a call on Tuesday morning from Mara Leiba asking if she’d seen what was in the alley. A friend of Mara’s recognized Baxter from the photos on Facebook and the process to reunite with Faith began.
In a Facebook post, Deirdre McElroy sums it up best as to how Baxter was found and reunited with his family.
“We did this. A flyer made by a kitty’s family. A FB post made by a concerned CCL (me). A reporter contacted to amplify the search and tell the story. A FB re-post made by an animal lover (not even a local hombre). Re-post led to neighbor of finder recognizing the lost-and-found kitty as Baxter! Finder contacts human. Happy ending!
We did this! Always share to show you care – that may be the one action that leads to intended outcome.”

Between distributing flyers and sharing the post on social media, Baxter and his family have a happy ending. Leiba says “There’s so many little intricate details to it that also just jive.”
All of the reward money collected through a GoFundMe as a reward will be given to the Maryland SPCA where Baxter was adopted from.
As for my part in spreading the word, I was mentioned in a comment By Marleen Jenkins, then I contacted Deirdre for more information. After writing the story I was able to network it to roughly 100,000 people in less than ten minutes through the many groups and individuals dedicated to cat advocacy.
The individuals who carjacked the car and stole Baxter remain unidentified at this time.