by Kay Zirkel/ Serenity Farm
(Benton City, WA. USA)
In 2006 We purchased a small farm (Serenity Farm) along with the farm were 6 ” barn ” cats. Wild as March hares they were and ready to fight any one or critter who wanted to displace them from the barn.
Before we could trap them there were kittens by three of the females. After much work and learning we finally trapped all the cats and had them spayed or neutered. Total: 20 Barn cats.
Two things I have noticed that might interest readers is this. First there is only one Queen and one king in the group. All the cats defer to them.
When I feed, the king and queen eat first. The others hang back to allow them to eat. The queen cat mothers all of the other cats and the king settles all disputes. I never tire of watching how the cats react to any situations.
The cats allow my four dogs free roam of the barn but will join forces to evict any other dog that happens to enter the barn. So we have had to warn our friends to not allow their dogs to enter our barn area. I am not sure if this behavior is normal or not but here in our farm this is normal. I have yet to see any other feral cats on our property.
As a matter of fact I have never seen any evidence of predators around the barn area either. Since these cats act as a “pride” of sorts we wonder if they might even join forces to protect their territory.
Any thoughts about this? I would welcome discussion from other Barn Cat owners on this subject.
Kay @ Serenity Farm – Benton City, WA. USA
Lovely little story keenpetite. Must have been tough for Frank. I can feel it. 24+ is very old for a cat. Not many make that.
Very commendable of you on catching & neutering spaying all 20 feral cats, a big plus no more kittens. Our family has been cat lovers/rescuers/helpers for over 60 yrs. Back in 7/81 my husband was sent to check on a house that was foreclosed, the only living thing was a Tortie with teats hard with milk, after searching for kittens we decided to take this cat home with us. We named her Panchita II because she adopted my husband (Frank) fiercely as her own.Soon she was vaccinated & spayed.
1990 we moved 100 miles SE of Tucson, Panchita made the 2 hr trip w/o a complaint, adjusted to her new home very well. Morning of 12/01 Panchita was not doing well but she waited for her “owner” to return home, as soon as Frank did, she allowed him to give her a bit of water & within seconds she peacefully passed away in his loving arms. Few weeks later I took our other cat for a check up & casually mentioned that “Panchita died at
21 yrs old” to my surprise vets reply was “No Mam, Panchits was @ least 24
just wish more owners cared about their animals the way you do”
I simply said, “Thank you, we consider them family from day 1”
My best to you & yours,
keenpetite aka Carmen
SE Arizona in USA