The claws of wild and domestic cats (infographic)

Together with the cat’s athleticism, their claws and teeth define the cat because they are essential to their predatory nature. The cat is a top predator and they live with us when domesticated. It’s remarkable in many ways that humans should so successfully live with such a devastating predator. The relationship isn’t always successful for that reason. Claws and teeth can frighten some cat owners. For me, they should not live with a domestic cat because sometimes they declaw them, which is cruel and unnecessary. The cat’s claw is vital to their raison d’être. They make them whole and beautiful. When you remove the claws, you remove a substantial part of the cat’s psyche. You change the cat for the worse. Please respect the cat for what they are and from where they come from, the wildcat hunting in the North African arid landscape.

Some facts about cat claws concerning wild and domestic cats
Some facts about cat claws concerning wild and domestic cats by MikeB at PoC.

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