by Ruth

Poster by Ruth

In the imaginary court room scene above, poor Mrs Trustedher has no hope of winning her case against Dr Claw. She was mislead by her trusted vet, just like many people are in real life.

Mrs Trustedher doesn’t want compensation, all she wants is for Dr Claw and other declaw vets to stick to their oath to cause suffering to no animal, therefore to stop declawing.

But sadly it is still legal in the USA and Canada to declaw cats and the AVMA turn a blind eye to the vets who do it routinely for convenience sake, even though it is supposed to be only performed as a last resort.

This is a quote from

‘Many vets and clinic staff deliberately misinform and mislead clients into believing that declawing removes only the claws in the hopes that clients are left with the impression that the procedure is a “minor” surgery comparable to spay/neuter procedures and certainly doesn’t involve amputation (partial or complete) of the terminal-toe bone, ligaments and tendons. Some vets rationalize the above description by saying that since the claw and the third phalanx (terminal toe bone) are so firmly connected, they simply use the expression “the claw” to make it simpler for clients to “understand”. Other vets are somewhat more honest and state that if they used the word “amputation”, most clients would not have the surgery performed!’

How very true! The number of times we read something like this:

‘I feel so guilty now, I didn’t know it was more than removing the claws’ – I regret declawing my cat

Why do some vets deliberately withhold the truth from their clients? They have them sign a consent form for surgery and I’m sure that form will absolve the clinic from any blame if the operation goes wrong, if the cat dies or if there are any complications from the declawing. The form may also give a brief description of what the surgery actually entails, but how many people just glance at it without reading it all? Because they trust their vet, most of them I would say. Especially if the clinic staff had recommended declawing when the kitten was booked in for neutering, saying: ‘It’s better to do it as a kitten under the one anesthetic, they bounce back quickly’ and/or ‘ The cat will be more comfortable in the house without claws’ and/or ‘The kids, the dog and the furniture will be safe from being scratched’

I expect some of those brainwashed clients would feel guilty if they refused the offer of that ‘marvellous’ operation.

But later when they learn just what had been done to their pet, many feel even more guilty.

Do those vets who push declawing think when in the future the cat returns with mental or physical problems the client who never did find out their cat had suffered ten amputations, won’t realise that the declawing caused those problems? I’d think that is very likely.

What a lot of money is to be made from all those consultations and medication!

Or it was so before the days of the Internet, but now the tide is turning and millions of people can read the truth by looking up declawing. They can see videos and pictures of cats having painful, crippling, unnecessary surgery and they can see pictures of cats suffering afterwards. They can read about alternatives, such as trimming claws, scratching post training, soft paws, etc.

Some still decide to go ahead, they think the amputation of the cats toe ends is a fair price to pay for having a home. Sadly they are not the cat lovers they call themselves.

Then there are those in denial, calling the people who are trying to educate others and stop this abuse ‘insane, animal rights activists’ and other much less polite terms. Only a ban will stop those people. And what about those who have no access to all the valuable information on-line?

This is why the truth about declawing must be available to everyone, by education in schools, by posters in public places, by articles in newspapers and magazines etc, until it is banned, just like it is in other civilised countries as the pre-meditated animal abuse it really is.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

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Jan 21, 2011 my thoughts
by: Kathy W

we currently hae 5 cats. All of them have all their claws. One even has more claws than normal. They have a cat tree that is torn to shreds (almost). They have a shelf with a rope post and its made out of some scratchey material. All our furniture looks fine. We never get scratched unless its through our own fault. I see no reason ever to declaw a cat. If you could post a video of the operation I beleive people would think differently when they hear their cat schriek out in pain with each nail yanked out of its foot and the bone cut, even though they are supposed to be asleep!!!

Jan 21, 2011 my thoughts
by: Kathy W

we currently hae 5 cats. All of them have all their claws. One even has more claws than normal. They have a cat tree that is torn to shreds (almost). They have a shelf with a rope post and its made out of some scratchey material. All our furniture looks fine. We never get scratched unless its through our own fault. I see no reason ever to declaw a cat. If you could post a video of the operation I beleive people would think differently when they hear their cat schriek out in pain with each nail yanked out of its foot and the bone cut, even though they are supposed to be asleep!!!

Jan 13, 2011 To Anonymous
by: Barbara

So sure of yourself, not only posting here but also copying and pasting to a page all of your anonymous own.
You are so totally wrong, you haven’t a clue and are too full of self congratulations that you saved Tobby to even realise that you also ruined the life you saved.
There is NEVER justification for mutilating cats, particularly not if it’s to make them safe playthings for children.

Barbara avatar

Jan 13, 2011 No good reasons
by: OJ

So you think Tobby is a good reason some people must declaw.
I beg to differ.
There is never a good reason to declaw so there was no point coming here attempting to make yourself feel better or to convince us that declawing is EVER justifiable.
You have betrayed that cat.
If you can’t handle a cat with the claws it needs you should never have had a cat.
The message are you giving your kids is,can’t handle somethhing in life,that’s OK just have it adapted.

Jan 13, 2011 Tobby
by: Kath

What would you have done if declawing was illegal like it is in many other countries and some US cities?
Would you have had Tobby killed?
Why couldn’t you admit you couldn’t be bothered to get him to use a scratching post and find him a home with people who could do that instead of paying to have him crippled?
Now Tobby is merely a toy for your kids.
You disgust me.

Jan 13, 2011 Poor Tobby
by: Ruth

I’ll write the same as I did on the other page you wrote on to justify disabling your cat.
You say Tobby is a good reason why people MUST declaw.
There is no MUST about it, you had poor Tobby declawed because you chose to rather than to persevere until you found the kind of scratching post or pads which he liked.
You obviously don’t know that he is now a disabled cat and prone to many physical and mental problems caused by the amputation of his toe ends. I hope you are prepared to pay for medication as he ages and painful arthritis sets into his joints, because he now can’t walk or exercise as a cat needs to.
He is a living toy for your kids, is that fair ? I just hope he doesn’t start biting if they are rough with him, because that’s the only defence he has left. If he does, then you should remember you caused it and not to return him to the shelter as a ‘bad cat’ and be killed anyway after needlessly suffering the most painful operation a cat can endure.
Of course he doesn’t want to go out, he knows he has no defence against healthy animals out there.
You saved his life only to ruin that life and force him to live it as a cripple.
In all my life I’ve never known a cat ‘tear up the house’ We are talking about a little domestic creature here and not a tiger ?
It was your failing that you couldn’t teach him where to scratch appropriately, YOUR failing but he paid the price with the amputation of his toe ends.
Well I hope you are happy now because Tobby certainly isn’t ! You’ll say he’s fine, to justify your cruelty, but he isn’t fine, cats are very stoic and he has adjusted that’s all.
Never forget you now owe him a lifetime of care, no matter what !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jan 12, 2011 cat to die
by: Anonymous

we took in a cat that was to be put to sleep. He was a terror to the house. No curtain or peice of furiture was untouched. We tried the nail covers and many more ideas to not declaw but it came down to return him to die or declaw. We choose the latter and he is a wonderful pet.He now plays can be near the kids. He stays inside and shows no interest in going out.Tobby in my mind is a good reason why some people must declaw. Also be aware if your delcawed cat must go outside they have outside cat safe large enclosures.

Jan 12, 2011 cat to die
by: Anonymous

we took in a cat that was to be put to sleep. He was a terror to the house. No curtain or peice of furiture was untouched. We tried the nail covers and many more ideas to not declaw but it came down to return him to die or declaw. We choose the latter and he is a wonderful pet.He now plays can be near the kids. He stays inside and shows no interest in going out.Tobby in my mind is a good reason why some people must declaw. Also be aware if your delcawed cat must go outside they have outside cat safe large enclosures.

Jan 12, 2011 cat to die
by: Anonymous

we took in a cat that was to be put to sleep. He was a terror to the house. No curtain or peice of furiture was untouched. We tried the nail covers and many more ideas to not declaw but it came down to return him to die or declaw. We choose the latter and he is a wonderful pet.He now plays can be near the kids. He stays inside and shows no interest in going out.Tobby in my mind is a good reason why some people must declaw. Also be aware if your delcawed cat must go outside they have outside cat safe large enclosures.

Jan 07, 2011 They should be sued time and again
by: Leah (England)

These vets have an obligation to tell exactly what the surgery entails. When a client realises they haven’t they should be able to sue them surely?

Perhaps the way I see this is too simplistic but surely theres such a thing as full disclosure?

If someone has been told its a simple procedure as opposed to the major high risk surgery it clearly is then I’m certain a lawyer could prove this as misrepresentation of the facts?

I don’t know to be quite honest all I’m sure of is that declawing has to be stopped; how in a so called civilised society can this still happen?

The vets are just laughing in the face of the AVMA as they rub their bloody money grabbing little hands togeather at the thought of yet another innocent cat being butchered.

Yet again 1st class pictures Ruth well done!

Jan 04, 2011 I love it
by: Anonymous

Oh I do so much love this one,they get better and better.

Jan 03, 2011 Education
by: Michael

I didn’t really realise the amount of ignorance about declawing that still exists in the USA. It seems that many people still don’t understand what it entails.

Of course these posts help a lot and I feel the tide is turning gradually.

A large campaign would be welcome, however. There is just too much money at stake it it seems, which blocks progress.

Michael Avatar

Jan 03, 2011 CJ
by: Godimugly

Thanks mate yes I am he who dabbled on answers and got into trouble for it i might add – i have been offline for some time but am back now thanks to santa ‘claws’ bringing me a pc & dongler in his sack – it doesnt seem as though things have moved on much – morons are still trying to justify hacking toes off of cats and shrieking with amazement when they get told a few home truths – thats why pages like this are vital and people like Ruth are needed to spell it out loud and clear

Jan 03, 2011 Inspiring
by: CJ

Another inspiring and highly educational blog and pictures Ruth.
I’m with Godimugly,he or she has put it in a nutshell.
Ignorant morons who think declawing is good have brains only the size of peas and can’t take in the written word.
Pictures are ideal to teach them.
Godimugly didn’t you used to go on Yahoo Answers at one time?
I always loved the way you put things just as they are.
I’m glad you’ve turned up here.

Jan 03, 2011 Your posters are the bizz
by: Godimugly

The posters need to show it in pictures because the morons who declaw cats are too ignorant to understand the written word or have attention spans too short to read more than a short paragraph at a time – if you were writing about leather suites or layzeeboy chairs or fancy drapes or screens you would have their full attention Ruth but writing about the cruelty they perpetrate on their cats? No way do they want to know that – they don’t want their complacent bubbles of self satisfaction burst. Well what I would like to burst is a few of the myths surrounding declawing and then a few of the noses of those who declaw. Keep producing the posters just the way you are girl – leave nothing to chance – don’t assume declawing morons have brains. They do not.

Jan 03, 2011 NOT childish
by: Kathryn

Ruth I don’t think your posters are at all childish.I agree that pictures stick in the mind far better than words.
A lot of your posters don’t actually need written words underneath because they say it all.
Oh for the day Mrs Trustedher would win her case against Doctor Claw.
Would someone pleading ignorance of the procedure stand no chance at all I wonder.
I wish someone would give it a go,someone with a cat with complications from the surgery would be ideal.
There MUST be some brave soul out there angry enough to do it.

Jan 03, 2011 Thank you
by: Ruth

Thank you to everyone who always kindly comment on my articles, I appreciate it very much.
Elisa I have done two laser declaw articles on PoC but without posters, though I am hatching an idea for one to go with another laser article now you’ve suggested it.
When declawing is banned, if I don’t drop off mny twig first I’ll have time to spare and maybe have a go at writing childrens books.
My posters may seem a bit childish at times but I think pictures make more impact and stick in the minds of some people better.
Seeing a cat holding up a painful paw is more effective than reading ‘the poor cat was lame’
I hope so anyway …….

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jan 02, 2011 Dishonest vets promote declawing
by: Michele S.

The popularity of declawing in North America is largely due to vets. They could choose to stop performing them today if they really wanted to, but their greed for money is stronger than their consciences.

Your articles are great Ruth, because they get the truth about declawing across to all age groups. The more people learn how cruel and unnecessary declawing is, the less likely they are to want to get it done to their cats.

Jan 02, 2011 I LOVE your pictures
by: Elisa

You need to be publishing books for kids on this. And PLEASE do a picture story on how laser declawing is just as bad. That really worries me. I’d love to see a picture story on how laser declawing can be just as devastating.

I’m sorry I’m behind on commenting. I think I’m going 10 directions at once these days but I do read everything you send me links to.

Jan 02, 2011 Right on Ruth!
by: Petra Stephenson

You did it again my anti-declawing friend, in words and pictures. How on this earth is this allowed to go on in this day and age? It’s like something from the dark ages to do with persecuting witches and their cats! You have to believe that there are more people against it than for it otherwise you would lose faith in humanity! I just checked on your petition before I came on to POC, you’re doing well there.

Jan 02, 2011 Yes excellent
by: Rose

Another great write up Ruth and a fantastic poster as always.
I agree with Susan,the vets who do this despicable surgery should be held accountable before a judge and should be found guilty and punished severely.
If only lots of real people like Mrs I Trustedher would speak out against people like Dr I D Claw (Inspired names lol)but most only sit back and let it go on ….and on….and on ……….

Jan 02, 2011 Excellent!
by: Susan

What the Courts should rightfully do to every single vet, cat guardian, landlord, & shelter/rescue that de-claws (or requires declawing) is to Convict them for animal cruelty, De-claw their own fingers & toes, then Jail them for life with the others animal abusers so they can suffer their whole lives with throbbing joints & phantom pain with no pain meds, no joint support meds, or no physical therapy like the millions of American de-clawed cats do who are viewed as “fine” by the ignorant & arrogant public.

Jan 02, 2011 Panic setting in
by: Ted

It is my opinion the prodeclaws are panicking and floundering trying to justify their cruelty because they know they are outnumbered now.

The prodeclaw vets are desperately trying to convince people that laser declawing is more humane so as to make as many dollars from it as long as they can.

The antideclaws are determined the whole world will know about the scandalous way cats are legally abused by doctors in the USA and Canada.

I do not see how it can be allowed to happen for much longer.

Jan 02, 2011 Morons think declawed kitties are fine
by: Carol

A great blog Ruth and another amazing poster telling the story.
Barbara you are right about the morons boasting that their kitties are fine.
They can’t see ahead to the poor creatures future of living a half life without the claws they need to fulfill their lives.
No thought of the crippling joint pains they will be stricken with as they age.
15 years of living with morons like those is more of a life sentence than a privelege.

Jan 02, 2011 This is exactly what happens!
by: Barbara

In some cases people go to their vet, they’ve probably been going there for years, and now have a kitten, they take the kitten to be “fixed” and think how helpful the receptionist, the tech is or the vet is when they offer declawing at the same time, for just a litle bit more cost(oh and a bit more for pain relief)if they even think to ask exactly what declawing is they are fobbed off with a little story about it being a minor op, don’t worry ma’am your kitten will that you for it. Yeah right! Read this:
“Thank you so much for posting this. We just got a new kitten at Christmas. I was reluctant to declaw because she really didn’t use her claws much at first, but my wife and kids were for it. However, over the past two weeks she had given us some severe scratches and took to using the furniture as her climbing toys. I meant to do some research, but after asking my vet I was assured it was just a personal choice I had to make, and to think of it as cosmetic surgery. Our kitty came through the surgery with flying colors and was back to her old self in a day. However, it wasn’t until several days later that I ran across an anti-declawing article online. I typed a search in Google and was overwhelmed with guilt. I have been feeling just terrible about our decision and not searching out more information. I just trusted our vet. I’m not sure what to believe online. I am so confused. Your article is the only one to look at the other side of the situation (this is on a pro-declaw site). I still may not be able to sleep tonight”

But afterwards some people still don’t get it!
“Thank you, thank you!! I too am so sick of hearing all the negatives of declawing! Not only are we taking in a kitten, feeding, nurturing and giving him a good home for the next 15 years… but we are protecting our valuables at the same time. Our vet does SEVERAL a week and there are no issues. SO SHUT UP BLEEDING HEARTS!”

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