When a veterinarian goes wrong and does wrong the public are outraged but the organisations which have the authority to punish bad veterinarians see it completely differently. They look for a way to protect the bad vet. They have to punish him because of public pressure but they do so to the barest minimum. This is a disconnect between how the public perceive animal abuse committed by vets and how the governing bodies respond to it.
There are two examples which I want to call upon.
Dr Mahavir Rekhi
Thousands of people voiced their concerns about the behaviour of this veterinarian. His animal abuse which took place at the clinic was exposed in September by a former employee who filmed him. He is seen choking, hitting and abusing animals in his care. The exact opposite to the sort of behaviour he is paid to dispense.
Despite the hard evidence of behaviour which goes against everything that a vet should stand for and in total disregard of his veterinary oath, the governing body, the College of Veterinarians of Ontario (CVO), gave Rekhi a metaphorical slap on the wrist by suspending his license to practice until December when he could be back at work. He is unsuited to working with animals.
The public protested and the CVO are having a fresh look at their disciplinary procedures. I don’t expect things to change to be honest.
Dr Kristen Lindsey
This woman is infamous for killing a ginger tabby cat in her back yard with a bow an arrow. She arrogantly displayed her ‘kill’ on Facebook. She was proud of her behaviour. The public was in uproar all over social media. There were demands for her license to practice to be withdrawn. The disciplinary procedure was interminable and the upshot? Lindsey was suspended for five years. This means one year down time (no vet employment) and four years in probation. There was also an order for re-education. This was another slap on the wrist. She is even appealing this decision. The arrogance. She is unsuited to being a veterinarian. You won’t change her mentality.
When does a veterinarian get struck off the register of veterinarians? How bad have they got to be?
The public want to see the highest standards of animal welfare from veterinarians. They expect it. A veterinarian is administering treatment to a beloved family member. A sentient being and a living creature. Nothing but the best is acceptable.
I think perhaps one problem is that too many people even today regard animals as lesser creatures. The standard of care of a vet is not as high as for a doctor treating humans. It should be the same.
There was an interesting article in the paper today about fish. The cogent argument was that even though humans kill 17 billion fish annually they are sentient beings with emotions, memory and relationships. We don’t respect fish enough. We still don’t respect animals enough. Good cat caretakers do respect their cats and provide tons of TLC but vets can become blasé about their patients.
The governing bodies need to think more about serving the clients and the patients and less about finding ways to get bad vets off the hook.
Thanks Frances.
I agree with you completely, Michael. These veterinarians abusing animals are criminal.This would be inhumane behavior from a “lay person.” A veterinarian has taken an oath to lessen the suffering of animals, not to cause further pain and harm. The veterinary governing bodies need to take a step forward in ensuring that all animal patients are treated with kindness and respect.
You’d better stop feeding your cats all those fish that got married!
I wish I could say things were getting better, but they aren’t. It was the same way in the 70’s, when I first got into the field, and it is the same way now. I wish we could take the various boards and do to them what has been done to helpless animals. But until the public gets together and boycotts the bad ones and kick up a helluva fuss-it won’t change. The same thing happens in the human field.
Very well put Michael. I was an active complainant on the Lindsey case, and though I could go on for days about her (and her attorney’s), the sheriffs’ and D.A.’s arrogance, you summed it up. These examples of how bad the government is need to be preserved in our minds, and like you, we all need to keep discussing them to that end and toward getting better officials elected and appointed. As you and I have said elsewhere, laws are on the books, but oftentimes they aren’t enforced. People, remember too that these two examples aren’t anomalies, they just happen to have been two that we, as caring citizens, chose to shine a light on and felt at least they should be punished. They didn’t and it sent the wrong message that we feared; this one.