The Embodiment of a Turkish Angora Cat

The Embodiment of a Turkish Angora Cat

by Simon Mouer
(Austin, Texas)



We already had two cats when the kids age 6 and 9 talked us into walking through a PetSmart store. On display inside was one of the many private animal shelters displaying their latest trove of cats for adoption.

There he was, pure white, with yellow-green eyes, and actively chasing a ball around in a circular cage. Once I picked him up and showed him to my wife, we couldn't put him down, and wound taking him home -- a $100 poorer, but infinitely richer in acquiring what we would later determine to be a Turkish Angora.

We don't know anything about his origin or previous owner, and he was listed as a stray. But he is the embodiment of everything we read about Turkish Angoras -- his medium-long fine silky coat, his very long fluffy tail, his untiring playfulness, his intelligence in opening containers and cabinet doors, that he likes to play in water, his gentle and calm disposition, that he doesn't like being petted much, his talkative nature, how good he is with the children -- allowing them to pick him up without scratching or biting (but escaping them on the first opportunity), his almond eyes slanting slightly upward, the tufts on his ears, the long tufts of hair between his toes, his tendency to climb up to the highest points in the house.

I have to say I have never seen such a beautiful cat. And he is fascinating to watch whether awake or a sleep. And he sleeps like he is dead, assuming strange positions, sometimes half on his back with his paws over his eyes or just laying out like he died, and sometimes with his head up like the sphinx.

And when he is awake, he will make a toy out of any small object on the floor. Our other cats are interesting, but he is fascinating.


The Embodiment of a Turkish Angora Cat to Turkish Angora Cat

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The Embodiment of a Turkish Angora Cat

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Nov 18, 2011 Simba
by: Linda

"Bitty Cat" is a twin to my Simba.. he was dumped in my yard as a litter and was the runt that we couldnt find a home for. He has a demanding and loving personality. He just turned 21 years old.

Nov 10, 2010 Yay for Angoras!
by: April S

You could have written the exact same thing about our Turkish Angora, Loki. He is fun! I have never in my life seen a cat actively seek out the attention of toddler. Sure, cats can be tolerant and loving, but most cats bolt when a toddler enters the room, lol! Not Loki though. He is completely devoted to my son.

People are always curious as to what kind of cat he is (he's not the original white, but a beautiful, shimmering black), and I can't sing their praises enough.

Jun 13, 2010 I have his twin sister!
by: Melody

And my Angel is everything you say and more! What's more some dimwitted soul actually gave her up to my local shelter!
Had to pause writing this to see Angel has buried herself in some old newspapers I have in a corner waiting for a project.

Jan 10, 2010 My Turkish Angora
by: Ti

Turkish Angora cat

My Boy the "Bitty Cat". He is absolutely the best pet I have ever owned. He thinks he is a dog however...

Jan 09, 2010 A bargain
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Simon. There could be some angora involved, but whatever his roots may be, I very well understand you could not put him down once you had picked him up. Some cats have just that kind of fur and when they enjoy being handled too it's about as good as it gets. Congrats on a happy adoption. 🙂
100 bucks for such a beautiful cat is really a bargain, considering the shelter has fed him and probably vaccinated, neuterered and dewormed him too.
I've said it before - there are some great cats to be found at the shelters. They may not all be as fine looking as this white gentleman, but good cats nevertheless and in need of good homes.

Finn Frode avatar

Jan 08, 2010
for the lady?

by: alf

a beautifule cat very elegant,just what top ladys will looking for thank to see that

Jan 06, 2010 The Regal Turkish Angora
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Such an exquisite creature! OMG - this is like something from a Fancy Feast food commercial! Such beauty and grace. I could go on and on but promise you I will not.

As a teenager, we had a huge, white, exceptionally fluffy cat we called "Twinkles" and she was an absolute joy! Doubt it was a Turkish Angora but there are similarities, except ours didn't have those wonderful almond-shaped eyes!

How anyone could allow this wondrous feline to be a stray is beyond reason but you are far richer for your furkid addition. Like Michael said... WOW!

Jan 06, 2010 It is a WOW
by: Michael

Cloud Tail has such a classy appearance. He looks wonderful. And he is wonderful too by the sound of it.

Thanks for showing us your glamorous cat.

Michael Avatar

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