The experts say the tiger wins a tiger vs lion fight

by Raphael

Hey there people, we can debate all day long, but the truth hurts.. for lion fans.

I have emailed various experts, wildlife research institutes, zoos, reserve managers etc.

And their reply are consistent, almost 80 – 85% favor the tiger. With the others mostly saying anyone could win, a handful favors the lion. Please take note, I have over 200 replies including from the following:

Bronx Zoo, Miami Metro Zoo, Valmik Thapar, John Varty, Randy Miller, Predators in Action, Sriracha Tiger Zoo, San Diego Zoo, San Francisco zoo, Singapore Zoo, Central Park Zoo, Tiger Creek sanctuary, Break creek Foundation, Save China’s Tigers,, Craig Packer, Big Cat Rescue, Turpentine Creek Wildlife etc etc… much more, feel free to Google these names, and find their email address and email them. Seriously they all favor the tiger.Let’s have some quotes shall we?

“People always ask me which one is bigger? If a tiger and a lion had a fight, which one would win? Well, I’ve seen tigers crunch up a full-grown leopard tortoise like it was nothing. And lions try, but they just don’t get it right. If there’s a fight, the tiger will win, every time.”John Varty, filmmaker.

“While we would much prefer that people focus their thoughts on saving these magnificent animals than on who would win if a lion and tiger fight, the power of these two largest cats seems to raise this question in people’s minds. While it would depend on the size, age and aggressiveness of the specific animals involved, generally tigers have a significant advantage”Big Cat Rescue (Source)

Are tigers stronger than lions? And if they fight, who will win?

Recent research indicates that the tiger is indeed stronger than the lion in terms of physical strength. Lions hunts in prides, so it would be in a group and the tigers as a solitary creature so it would be on its own. A Tiger is generally physically larger than a Lion. Most Experts would favour a Siberian and Bengal Tiger over an African Lion. – Save China’s Tigers

National Geographic also favors the tiger:

Bite force charts, stamina charts, strength, hrr chart…from various institutes all favor tiger as the stronger and the more athletic feline.

You are pitting a larger, stronger, faster, feline with longer canines (along with higher bite force) and larger paws and claws against a smaller, weaker cat.

This is not even debate.


The experts say the tiger wins a tiger vs lion fight to Lion vs Tiger

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The experts say the tiger wins a tiger vs lion fight

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Feb 27, 2012
More Bullshit!!! NEW
by: Anonymous

Nice try wiki noob…
1.Bronx zoo said that because they had experince of an incident of a tiger killing a lion, so dont go quoting any other zoo’s or sanqtuary’s unless you know the back story.

2.Craig parker is one of the best, but you failed to realized that he often switch’es sides an say lions win. I aint gonna take a opinion from a guy who says the mane is only for mating right’s an aint battling amongs ranks for lions purposes, when every other animal expert in the world says it is.

3.John varty is just like you “BIAS” nice getting that quote from wiki, when in fact on youtube lions open turtle shells all day every day, theres over 4 videos of them doing somthing that john varty says they cant, because of weak jaw power. When these videos on you tube are of teen an young lions under 2 years old XD.

An I call Bull shit!!! post them all, so I can have a chat with your over exaggerted 200 animal expert’s.

Feb 27, 2012
Bullshit!!! NEW
by: Anonymous

You must be a complete fool, to think that there is even a majority for tigers, when they are solitary and prides contradicts that 100% from small prides of 2 males, 10 females to numbers as big as 28 in a single pride. In a pit fight anything is up for grabs male vs male 1 on 1 its 50/50 because they are more idenditcal in more ways that they are not an in an awesome way, nature has gave leverage to both, yet leaving them equals. Like an average 80 pounds hevier weight for the tiger and a battle protecting mane for the lion.

Its the same way to enphinsize, that a white man on average can beat up a black man or vice versa… theres no way, in telling whats the average amount would be. It only depends on individuality of the lion or tiger if its 1 on 1 but by natures standards, with out man intervention the only way cheetahs an leopards co-existed with lions an survived that long, is because they go by the golden rule, if confronted by a lion they run, A tiger is a very proud animal an although he might win a few fights hear an there, same if it was a lone lion winning against another lone lion, the tiger would get riped to shreds via pride.

Animals dont live by the rule 1 on 1 its a human concept, they go by, only the strong survive. Thats why threw evolution they grouped up to form prides in africa, because unlike the tiger’s area of habitat, they dont have 10s of thousands of herds that migrates yearly, which have high hatred for predators off springs, who kill cubs more than the other away around on migration terms. So prides were formed an has succsesfully taken down even the worlds mightiest an largest animal, the bull elphant, along with any and every other animal in africa. Threw tactical battle like king leonidus used the hot gates as leverage in there superior fighting capabilities, same as lions do with there prides.

Tigers an lions co-exist in india, but asian’s have pretty much eradictaed all asiatic lions, to near extinctions threw poachings and a few religous reasons as well, giving the tiger a better success rate in survival amoungs lions.

1.Gieniuss books/Animal facts, Lion named Nero killed Tim the tiger in an australian zoo.(Documantry)
2.1936 Agartala zoo in bengal, a lion kills a tiger.(Local news report)
3.1935 Sikestonians saw a lion kill a tiger in a local town circus act.(Documentry)
4.1934 2 tigers died, In the movie devil tiger from a lion-(Video)
5.1955 oct, 6 Natrual history society, Page 465-468, 3 seperate accounts lion won all 3.(Documentry)
6.1981 Martin. L Albert witnessed a lion kill a tiger.(Documentry)
7.1954 Lion kills tiger with one blow in boltimore zoo.(Documantry)
8.1935 In the town Bedford masachusetts a Zoo lost a tiger to a lion.(Local news)
9.Gir foreset 3 tigers vs 3 lions, all lions won. (Video) -Youtube-
10.2011 Korea two teen lions killed a adult Bengal tiger in an encloser.(Video)- Youtube-

Jul 05, 2011
тигр победил тигр против льва бороться
by: Anonymous

Лев изначально и всегда находится в проигрышном положении. Во первых размер – тигр немного крупнее, а у кошек это важно. Во вторых характер: лев ничего не боится в отличии от тигра и при этом не стремится убивать, в то время как тигр сразу стремится убить, либо нанести максимальный вред. То есть лев всегда авансом дает много шансов тигру. В третьих львы не умеют убивать и им каждый раз в природе приходится этому учиться. А что говорить о тех которые родились в неволе ? Тигр в этом плане примитивный хищник типа хорек, который с рождения стремится к убийству и может это легко делать, чтобы выжить и спасти собственную жизнь. Про льва редко говорят что он настоящий убийца. Но когда мы встречаемся со львом который убивает тигра, то скорее всего он это может повторять каждый раз. То есть чтобы победить тигра льву надо быть либо диким, как тигр, либо умным и где-то набраться опыта и знаний.
Насколько мне известно во времена Рима берберийский лев был самой крупной кошкой на Земле и его схватки с тиграми не представляли большого интереса. Поэтому самыми замечательными являлись схватки с медведями. Медведь действительно страшный зверь, обладающий силой и выносливостью которой нет ни у одной кошки, и намного превосходящий размерами любую кошку.
Поэтому для римлян все тигры были как бы на одно лицо, в то время как львы были разными и среди них попадались такие которые сражались на арене годами с самыми опасными и сильными дикими животными, и заслужили чтобы именно им ставили памятники.

Feb 10, 2011
by: Anonymous

i understand what you are saying and yest taking in consideration tha facts that you outline
the Tiger should Win, But that’s not guaranteed
it depends on the two animals fighting

Say for exaple for Humans

Short skinny guys have beaten Tall Heavy guys
it’s never guaranteed thet the Tall guy wins ALL THE TIME

and remember that only the Siberial niger is larger than the lion, how about all the other smaller Tigers, would they all lose to Lions

This can’t be determined!!

Sep 01, 2010
by: Michael

Thanks for a great post and taking the time to share.

I think your arguments are better than mine! And I am pleased that you come to the same conclusion as me.

Michael Avatar

14 thoughts on “The experts say the tiger wins a tiger vs lion fight”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. So it looks as if the scalable height for a big tiger could easily be around 20 ft.

    August 28, 2010 Miami, FL: Visitors to Miami’s Jungle Island stampeded over each other to avoid an escaped, 3 yr old, 500 lb. tiger named Mahesh. A monkey escaped while being transported through the zoo and 500 lb. Mahesh bounded over the 14-foot fence into the public area according to the Miami Herald. The attraction’s three big cats — which include a liger and a white tiger — have been confined to a “night kennel,” while the park investigates. “We were really scared. There were people crying,” Miami mom Dorothy Evans told the Herald, adding that people knocked each other down as they sprinted toward the shelter. “People were running for their lives,” Larry Rhodes, 46, of Pompano Beach, told the Sun Sentinel. Miami Fire Rescue Lt. Ignatius Carroll told the Herald that several people were injured while running, including a mother who fell on top of her 15-month old baby. Another guest was taken to a Miami hospital after suffering a panic attack. Bhagavan (Kevin) Antle, who also owns T.I.G.E.R.S. in Myrtle Beach, SC and who is the owner of Mahesh, was charged with one count of maintaining captive wildlife in an unsafe condition, resulting in threats to public safety. Park owner Bern M. Levine was charged with two second-degree misdemeanors for conditions resulting in the animals’ escape. The charges for both men have a maximum penalty of $500, FWC officer Pino said. Video

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