The Iberian lynx faces extinction in Spain. Relocate some to the UK.

Anne-Marie Hodge writing for the Ecology Global Network paints a bleak picture of the survival of the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), the rarest of all wild cat species. She says that climate change is an added factor in the demise of this species where it lives, in two small areas in southwestern Spain. Climate change will kill this species off once and for all unless bold decisions are made and acted upon.

Iberian lynx in the wild

For years the population of Iberian lynx has been eroded by human persecution, if we are honest and want to ball together all the major influences that are detrimental to its existence. Seven-five percent of mortalities are ‘unnatural’. By human persecution I include hunting this cat, loss of habitat, loss of prey (to more hunting?).

Anne-Marie Hodge writes that there are 250 left on the planet. She may be optimistic as when I wrote about this species of small-medium cat some years ago the maximum estimated population was 143 in the stronghold area in the southwest of Spain.

Very recently I wrote about the rewilding of three areas in the UK with the Eurasian lynx. There are people who are very keen on reinstating large wild species into Great Britain to enhance the country. The lynx was extirpated in the wild in the UK 1,300 years ago. We have a duty to right that wrong. We are wiser nowadays and know more about conservation.

If, as is the case, we are seriously considering reintroducing the lynx to Great Britain, it might make sense to do it with the Iberian lynx rather than the more populous Eurasian lynx which is not considered to be of concern to conservationists.

We know how risky relocating wild species can be but this is a nice opportunity to be part of saving a cat from extinction.

Because of the added threat of global warming computer models have predicted the extinction of the Iberian lynx in 50 years (Journal: Nature Climate Science). Apparently global warming will affect the lynx’s prey and without prey there is no lynx. Also the lynx cannot adapt to climate change quickly enough to survive.

The lynx cannot move north to cooler locations because there isn’t a corridor for it to pass through. To create new corridors would be too slow a process. The dire prediction is made despite big efforts using the usual means by Spain’s wildlife organizations to save it.

It has been suggested that the entire population of Iberian lynx be moved to the north. If this sort of desperate measure is being considered it would appear to make sense to also consider relocating a percentage to the areas allocated for rewilding in the UK.

There are moral and ethical issues in relocating the entire population of a species. There may be similar issues in relocating this species into a country where they never existed before. However, the Iberian lynx is a subspecies of the lynx and the other species are similar. On that basis it would seem feasible provided there is the will to carry through such an exercise.

P.S. Writing again on this cat over 5 years later, the Iberian lynx is said to be making a comeback. Click here to read about it if you want.

Part of the source: The Iberian Lynx Faces Extinction | Ecology Global Network.

4 thoughts on “The Iberian lynx faces extinction in Spain. Relocate some to the UK.”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Make the next comment more polite please. Also please support your statements with some hard evidence. Your comment is outrageous. This for example:

    I guess you’re not even aware that your own house-cats roaming free are driving all manner of native cats to extinction across the planet.

    Provide me some evidence. Any evidence.

  3. Too funny. You have driven your own Scottish Wildcat to extinction with your moggies, last count there were fewer than 40 left, and now you think you can save a different species. No prey = extinction, as you say. What non-native cats of yours do you think are eating up all the prey animals and driving all your other cats and animals to extinction right where you live? Your blind-spots are bigger than the UK.

    I guess you’re not even aware that your own house-cats roaming free are driving all manner of native cats to extinction across the planet. The Endangered Florida Panthers are dying from house-cats diseases. Lions, tigers and cheetah are dying off in wildlife preserves from your free-roaming house-cats.

    Oh, you’re all so smart and care so much about all the animals of the world, aren’t you. Why don’t you all just go kill yourselves and do the world and all animals on it a huge favor.

  4. If the plans to re-introduce lynx into the UK go ahead, I agree that in principle it would make sense for it to be the more endangered Iberian lynx.

    Perhaps the Eurasian lynx is closer to the original lynx we once had in Britain and would therefore be a better fit with our ecosystem? Do Eurasian lynx tackle larger prey, such as the deer population they would help control, than their Spanish cousins?

    It would be very interesting to hear the Lynx Trust UK’s input on how they decided which species would have a better chance of success in the UK.

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