The International Cat Association (TICA) needs to ban Russian-bred cats from their European shows

My message to Vicky Fisher, the president The International Cat Association (TICA): I am surprised that we have not heard from you about banning Russian-bred cats from your cat shows in Europe or worldwide. You should ban them. It is something that TICA could do to make a statement against Russia. This would follow in the footsteps of the European-based cat association, FIFe (Fédération Internationale Féline), which banned Russian cats in early March 2022.


There would be objections to it, of course. Why punish Russian cat breeders when it’s not their fault that Putin decided to invade Ukraine and destroy the country because he believes that it should not be an independent country? Putin believes that it should be part of Russia. He believes that Ukraine has no right to be independent and it grates on his mind that they are and that they want to continue to be independent. And as Ukrainians won’t roll over and give up, he’s decided to destroy the country instead, to neutralise it completely.

And it would be unfair on the Russian breeders if TICA banned them from European cat shows. I agree. However, it is a very minor form of unfairness compared to the dramatic and catastrophic unfairness which has befallen the Ukrainian people in terms of war crimes against them, mass murder, brutalisation, mass destruction of Ukrainian property, mass destruction of animals; you name it, it’s been perpetrated against Ukrainian people which is incredibly unfair on them. It puts into perspective the very minor unfairness towards Russian cat breeders.

The breeders should be able to take that on the chin, willingly, until Ukraine has pushed back the Russian invaders to their own country. And, in any case, Putin is sustained in power because of the support of the majority of Russian citizens. I know they are fed propaganda but it is up to the citizens to bring him down as a matter of urgency. It’s a question of thousands of innocent civilian lives.

The question of fairness really isn’t an argument. Nothing could be more unfair on Ukrainian people and in order to prevent that unfairness it would help if organisations in the West made some distinct statements against Russia such as doing what Wimbledon did namely banning Russian tennis players who’ve qualified to play in that tournament. The same argument applies. You can’t have Russian tennis players winning Wimbledon because Putin would promote Russia on the back of that. You can’t have Russian cat breeders winning a cat shows in Europer of elsewhere because it would be used to promote Russia. This is not a time to promote Russia but to criticise the country.

My research indicates that TICA cat shows are going to take place in various European countries this year. For instance, there is a cat show in Sofia, Bulgaria in June of this year. Another TICA cat show will take place in Solbergelva, Norway on May 14-15, which is being organised by the Viking Cats club. These are two examples picked at random.

Pres Biden is doing a good job to supply the Ukrainians with armaments and to support them with visits by his ministers, Nancy Pelosi, and in his speeches. I think that it is time that the International Cat Association took up the responsibility of denouncing Russia by banning Russian-bred cats from their European shows.

In fact, it could be extended to shows in other countries because their cat shows are, as the association states, international.

2 thoughts on “The International Cat Association (TICA) needs to ban Russian-bred cats from their European shows”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Fun fact…. the USA has been supplying Saudi with bombs and other arms that they have used to butcher civilians in Yemen.

    Yet we care about Ukraine????

    Don’t fall for the Russiophobia, it’s all the same Geopolitical BS that got us knee deep in blood in the mid east for 29 years

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