Walter and Jozef will soon be 13 years old, Walter in July and Jozef in August. When they were kittens they were inseparable, Walt a month older than Jo was the ring leader in all their mischief, running madly around the house and diving into every cupboard and drawer. He was hyperactive. Jo who was much smaller for his age ran on his little legs trying to keep up with his brother.

Walt’s favourite game was running up the net curtains and striking the wind chimes hanging from the curtain rail, but poor Jo couldn’t manage that climb so we had to lift him up for his turn. Great fun but exhausting keeping Walt amused while Jo and our older cat Ebony had a sleep.
As they grew up they didn’t bother much with each other, just had an odd play fight now and again but never curled up together to sleep or went around together any more. Strangely enough though, lately after years of mostly merely tolerating each other, they seem to have become much closer.
The wash house roof is Walter’s favourite place outside to snooze in the sun but he didn’t like to share it, if Jozef was there first he’d give him a whack and chase him off. But now he shares it nicely with him, they lie up there together for hours on fine days. He also allows Jo to share his (and Barbaras) bed, he really has mellowed!
The other morning Jozef brought a young rabbit home, it’s the third one he has brought lately, he must have discovered where they live on the embankment behind our houses here. How he carries them home in his tiny mouth we will never know, but there he was on the lawn with the rabbit in front of him. Before we could get out to rescue it, it started hopping away and Jo jumped on it and felled it.
It looked dead, I’d just taken a photo when suddenly it resurrected and hopped away with the 2 cats in hot pursuit. How clever it was to lie ‘doggo’. I’ve seen mice and birds do that so the cat gives up the chase, but never a rabbit. Anyway I managed to grab it while Babz distracted the cats and it was definitely alive and kicking!
We have no gates at the back of our houses here so off I went with the rabbit in my arms, in my dressing gown and croc shoes, along the Grove to the cut between the houses leading to the back path which is between our houses and the embankment.
I heard MEOW MEOW behind me and turned round to find one of the young cats who live opposite, following me. We call her ‘Mad Eyes’ as she’s quite crazy. She wound round and round my legs meowing all the way, then got distracted by a bird so I was able to deposit the rabbit through the railings to the embankment without her seeing. It hopped happily away and I set off back home with my little talkative companion only to find Walter coming to meet me, so the three of us made our way home.

Both our boyz are kind to those young cats unless they dare to enter their territory, then it’s a different story, they are soon told to get out! Narla was on our wall waiting for us, she’s a neighbour’s cat who has come for years, she loves to be out and her dad doesn’t worry knowing she can dine here and we keep an eye out for her safety.
It’s a good job no neighbours were around to see me in the rain in my nightclothes, having conversations with a rabbit and trying not to trip over cats and playing waitress to our visitors, although I think they already know Babz and I are the resident crazy cat ladies lol
Meanwhile Jozef had finished his breakfast and was planning to go off again. Later he returned with his second catch of the day, a mouse, of which he ate the top half…yuck…leaving the rest just outside the window for Walter who decided to reject his kind gift and leave it for our resident crow ‘Jim’ to swoop down and carry away.
Life without cats around would be simple but very dull!
Thanks Leah, it’s the main thing our boyz are safe and happy here.
He was having a fight on our roof today! The noise was incredible for 2 birds. He’s on a neighbour’s roof across the Grove in the picture, he must have incredibly good eyesight to spot the tiny mice.
No, I don’t think it was me. But,I happy to see Jim. He must be a very watchful and useful fella. I don’t know a lot about birds, but old Jim looks like he may have been in a scuffle or two in his time.