At last it seems that all Chester’s troubles are over and he has a forever home with Marion, along with his friend George of whom he says ‘No one loves me as much’. Oh I think they do! Marion and Steven and their family love him, as does everyone else who meets him.

For anyone who hasn’t read about what happened to Chester, this is his story:
- Chester Part 1 – rescued and recovery
- Chester Part 2 – updating news for his fan club
Nothing has been easy for him, he was physically harmed and mentally traumatised from his terrible ordeal. Then when he recovered from all that and went to be neutered, he had a retained testicle which meant a bigger operation than normal for a male cat.
The next day he wrote on his Facebook page which is called ‘Chester The Cat’ and where he now has 204 fans:
’I am home and am fine but am hiding in darkest smallest place I can find and I may stay hidden for a while’
But later he was much more cheerful:
‘I am fully recovered tearing around the house eating all the food in sight, I certainly won’t be getting cuddled as I don’t like being held, I don’t trust humans enough to cuddle me but I do trust them to feed me so can see they have their uses’
Then the other day:
‘Today I responded to a stroke from the human, I raised my tail, I just couldn’t be bothered to run away like I usually do as I was balanced on top of stair rail’
Progress indeed!
The other news from our Wear Valley & Darlington Cats Protection branch isn’t so good. Marion and her foster carers have more than thirty cats in care, including some with special needs and the waiting list to come in is over one hundred now and never gets any less because of all the abandoned cats coming in as strays.
Marion is running a campaign this month with vouchers towards neutering local cats, hoping maybe that will help some of those people who feel they can’t afford to pay for that and may need to relinquish their cats.
Also more neutered cats mean less unwanted kittens coming into care because the biggest problems are as ever, more kittens being born and not enough homes for them. There are not enough volunteers to raise the funds needed to help more cats.
Flick is a CH kitten and is another staying forever with Marion, along with Chester and George, because of their special needs.
TNR and feeding ferals takes up a lot of volunteer time and the branch is battling against cat flu in some feral colonies.
What makes things even worse are the people selling litter after litter of kittens via facebook or similar and then when they tire of doing that expect CP to pay for their breeding cats to be spayed. The expectations of people from a small branch is far too high, all the volunteers are over stretched right now.
As many cats as possible are helped as always, neutered, vaccinated and microchipped to give them a better chance of being adopted.
Peppa has been spayed and sadly had to have her deformed tail amputated.
Hopefully one day soon, someone will adopt her and the many other beautiful cats needing a loving home and there will be room for more.
And so the work goes on …….
He’s gorgeous, such a beautiful coat and his little intelligent face, he’s still just a baby really, so glad he’s safe
Just have to share this latest wonderful photo of the handsome Chester
Peppa has a forever home, good news as another cat can come into care in her place.
It’s sad that so many are relinquished, to me cats are family and families stay together.
They can’t ALL have good excuses as to why they don’t want the cat any more 🙁
Last night I spent about 2 hours searching Facebook for “cats for sale” and what upset me was there were lots of overbred pedigree cats for sale from Russian and European breeders. OK these are not “free to good home” cats but they are part of the same problem. Cats being used for profit. I might do a short post on it.
No one should ever advertise pets free to a good home, or sell them on social sites like facebook
Terrible to think if that man hadn’t stopped those scumbags, Chester would have either been drowned or set on fire!