The Lion King

The Lion King

by Michelle
(Babylon, NY, USA)

Michelle & Sim

Michelle & Sim

I got my cat (he was left outside our house in a box) when I was 8 years old and he was only weeks old, so we "grew up together". He was a yellow, soft-striped Maine Coon. I named him Simba (again, only 8 years old - but the name was fitting for him).

Everyone always commented that he was the most beautiful cat they had ever laid eyes on. He was superlatively majestic (unfortunately, his fur was groomed too short in this picture). But the most endearing thing about him was his mind and personality.

He was the most sweet natured animal I've ever known. I really knew he loved me and actually cared about me. He was the perfect combination of affection, personal space, humor, and non-verbal communication. He remained the same his entire life, always had the same amount of energy, even when he was older, he acted just like he did when he was a kitten - despite tumors that made petting, playing, or even walking painful.

He never wanted to complain or express pain, just wanted everyone to be happy. He lived to 16. It was hard to depart, as I was 24 years old by that time. We had formed an extraordinary attachment over those 16 years. Knowing his life span was only that of a cat, there were always some moments I wondered to myself, while he was still with me: How will I bear it when he leaves me?

He was an exceptional cat and I knew I would never have another animal like this. But, our time was so great and he was such a happy creature, I can only think of those things.


Hi Michelle... I don't suppose that you have more photos. If, however you have some more, please email me with them:

suubstituting at for @

I also ask the same question about how I will feel when my now 17 year old girl has gone.It is a way to prepare.

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The Lion King to Maine Coon Cats

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The Lion King

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Jan 09, 2010 The Lion King
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

Michelle, every pet owner would understand your feelings, as all "Long-Lived Pets" become an extension of our own human lives.I always console myself with Lord Tennysons famous quote Whenever i have lost a family pet, quote, "IT IS BETTER TO HAVE LOVED AND LOST,THAN NEVER TO HAVE LOVED AT ALL".
Be happy of the reminisces of the wonderfull years you had with your pet and get a new pet to keep your household alive with wonderful memories.
Rudolph avatar

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