Here is a lion’s face for comparison:
The cat has a black smoke coat I believe. It is very intense. The Maine Coon photo is by the talented Robert Sijka. He has photographed some amazing Maine Coons. I think this breed does produce some of the best looking domestic cats. Although I am not a great fan of selective breeding. I also believe that this cat was bred in Europe or Russia. Americans don’t breed Maine Coons like this. Someone may well correct me.
The Maine Coon is the one. They have nice characters too. Calm in general. As for playful, all cats love to play. The more the better. Good luck. Thanks for sharing Celine.
See a lot more about the Maine Coon by clicking on the link below (a site dedicated to the breed).
This is a informative site I want to buy a large domestic cat that is playful
Yes it is a most strikingly intense Maine Coon, and Mr. Sijka takes a mean photo (pun intended). There may be MC breeders here, but I think there’s more of a national pride thing with them because they are the only original American breed, so I don’t think they’d want to change it much. I’d certainly not want to risk losing the distinctive characteristics, especially it’s size and personality. I had a small MC and he had personality plus – I’ll never forget him.