This is another poster and article inspired by Dee who wrote: We need an ‘I am a troll and cat hater box’.
Yes I agree Dee we do, just for Woody and then we can shove him in that box, close it and post him off to the Bermuda Triangle.
We would be doing him a favour really, because then he wouldn’t have to spend his days online looking for articles by cat lovers to troll and vent his hatred on.
I don’t think there would be any internet connection in the Bermuda Triangle, but anyway the good thing would be that we would never have to read his abusive, sometimes downright insulting rubbish, ever again.
We all have our own soapboxes, I personally have quite a few because I hate cruelty to animals and I hate injustice too, although my main animal one at present is the legalised cruelty to cats, called declawing.
But even if we didn’t particularly like cats (although who could NOT like them) would we ever search for a web site to rant our biased opinion of them on? I think not! What is the mentality of someone who does? Do they enjoy being scorned and mocked and disliked? Do they wish they could stop trolling? Is it a mental illness?
Apparently most trolls are immature, inadequate attention seekers who don’t care that they offend other people and the best way to deal with them is to totally ignore them. They don’t want to come face to face with anyone, they are afraid of real life confrontation, so the internet is a Godsend to them.
What did they do before that? Did trolls arrive with the onset of the internet? I remember from my childhood the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff, they outsmarted the troll who sang:
‘I’m a troll fol de rol, I’m a troll fol de rol, I’m a troll fol de rol and I will eat you for my supper’
In that story the troll was an ugly cave dwelling creature with an enormous head who tried to get the better of the Billy Goat Gruffs, but they defeated him in the end. They were much smarter than he was.
It isn’t very smart at all to be a troll and in a way I pity Woody if it’s the only way he can make himself feel important, but I also despise him for the cruelty to cats he boasts of. Whether he really does shoot cats and want all cats dead, or not, the evil thoughts are within him.
How can anyone live a healthy happy life when they are poisoning themselves from the inside out with their hatred of innocent animals and their caretakers?
lol good one Identicat
Nice one. Perhaps we should have a page on what kind of animal Woody is! 😉
Hahaha! imagine if Woody is actually a dog that has figured out how to use a computer and he’s just having everyone on!
Oh nooooooooooooo he’s escaped his box!
lol lol
I think Woody may have gotten off his plane!
We have a “serial urinator” right now in central Florida!
i named her after my baby i couldnt have. So jasmin lives on in her memroy.