The role of cats as emotional support for their owners (and more)

There are some studies about the role of cats as emotional support for their owners. Two of the studies concerned 47 women and 45 men who lived alone with one or two cats, while the third study also included people who lived without cats.

The studies took place in Europe and the cats were at least six months-of-age. The participants completed questionnaires about their mood and their attachment to their cats. In addition, the cat owners were observed in the evening on one occasion.

It was found that overall cats had little effect on their owners’ moods. However, the presence of a cat was found to be associated with lowered negative moods of depression and fear. Therefore the cats did not increase positive moods. The more extrovert a cat owner felt, the more often their cat approached them.

I think these conclusions are not only incorrect but rather narrow. The presence of a domestic cat does far more than have an impact upon our negative moods.

For a start, there is the simple pleasure of the presence of a domestic cat as company, as a companion. There does not need to be any direct impact upon a person’s negative or positive moods.

Cat companionship is about not feeling lonely, taking responsibility for your cat, nurturing your cat and taking enjoyment from these pleasures. There are a whole host of subtle benefits in cat companionship which I don’t think can be reduced to a simple test of elevated mood.

Cats reduce negative moods

There are other benefits. The Chief Executive Officer, Mr Suhaimi Rafdi, of a major Singapore company, Cathay Organisation Holdings says:

“My parents were animal lovers and there was not one day when there were no animals in our home….I believe that children who grow up with animals around them tend to be more compassionate and responsible adults”

Mr Rafdi is a sort of cat hoarder but an exceptional one. He is thoroughly organised and has converted his basement for the cats he rescues. It is very cat friendly. He cares for 27 cats; very rare for a high profile businessman.

11 thoughts on “The role of cats as emotional support for their owners (and more)”

  1. They were 3 weeks old, all 4 of them. I adopted them, rescued them when they were 3 weeks old. Pinky my cat never fed them. They were near to die with hunger and dehydration. I don’t know how they survived?

    Here is the picture of my second daughter at her room loving and petting Pummy the kitten (6 weeks old kitten).

    Hafsa is 7 years old and she was afraid of pets. One morning I saw her with Pummy, petting to Pummy. Khadija took the photo instantly as she has the cam cell phone.

    I observed Pummy was loving Hafsa and the way she was petting her. Pummy! my Pummy killed by neighbor boy, my Pummy. 8 weeks old killed 🙁

    Hafsa became sick, she stopped eating and drinking for two weeks. I had her admitted in a private hospital. I shared her the thought that LAILA is with us. Animals die every day. We can’t die with them.

    The greatest lie of the nature, I told Hafsa and she agreed with me but still miss Pummy.

    My three daughters were not used to any wild animal or pet. These feral kittens which I had, these 4, they made my daughters to change their thoughts. They realized them that what is affection and love. What is the meaning of care? What is a relationship? What is the meaning of respect of others? Why we are human and they are animals? How we can win others hearts with LOVE?

    this is what I have to share Michael, thank you for your article <3

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