The Santa Claws Compo Follow Up

The Santa Claws Compo Follow Up

by Michael

I think a follow up to the previous posts about the Santa Claws Compo is needed. For people who didn’t take part: this is the page of the competition and this is where the prize went.

Babz and Ruth sent me another newspaper cutting, which I present below:

I had no idea that Babz would do this but it is lovely to see. It pleases me because the money provided by PoC goes to places were cats and other animals in need can be helped. This is thanks to the generosity of Babz. Thank you.

In these difficult financial times in the UK, Babz has been extremely generous. The prize was anything from Amazon. It could have been something entirely for babz’s use and her pleasure but she wanted me to order cat food to give away.

They say the British are generous when it comes to charity. I think a recent survey ranked the British 5th worldwide in terms of generosity. Babz is a example of that.

The competition went through a sticky patch but I think it was a success. It was made much more of a success by the winner.



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The Santa Claws Compo Follow Up

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Dec 29, 2011
Barb is a star
by: Kathy W

Barb is a kind and loving woman. I know I haven’t been commenting as much as I used to but I still read every pic of cats e mail I receive. The information I have gotten on here is priceless. And so are the friends. I’m glad she did what she did and hope someday maybe I can do the same for some homeless cats. Two of my cats were homeless and now that its cold they don’t even seem to want to go back outside. Not that I would let them anyway.

Dec 26, 2011
not a big head
by: leanne

Babz is certainly not big headed but I’m still pleased she has a little bit of recognition, not just for what she, and Ruth, have done for us but just for being a nice lady who cares about people and animals.

Dec 25, 2011
Well done
by: Jane B

Well done Babz, not only for winning with the best story but for giving away your prize and what’s more for getting so much publicity for Kays Hill and CP.
I’ve never met a less big headed person than you are and I know you are well respected in Shildon for all your kindness and charity work.
Who else could make going into a funeral office a comfortable experience?
No one else I know that’s for sure!
Your town is proud of you!

Dec 24, 2011
My head is BIG
by: Barbara

All this praise is going to my head LOL, but seriously I will never forget the thrill of seeing my name on that page and realising I’d won, I cackled so loud I woke Ruth up upstairs, as I said before we’d already agreed what we would do if either one of us was lucky enough to win, we have what we need, we’ve had a new TV, washer and (used)car this year, anything else would have been a luxury just for the sake of spending it, so what better than to spend it on than cats! Leanne you have said thank you till the cows come home and there’s no need to say it anymore, it’s history now, the reason I took the chance to get it into as many local newspapers as possible was not to big myself up but to get publicity and hopefully donations for Kays Hill and CP, as it happens it’s been in the Northern Echo, Spennynews, Bishop Press and Shildon Town Crier, I just pray a builder reads the Bishop or Shildon ones where they go into a bit of detail about the cattery and they offer to help.

Barbara avatar

Dec 24, 2011
by: Mrs M

Barbara is much respected in her home town.
Not only for her empathy and care of the bereaved for the firm she works for, but also for all the charity work she does too.
Michael couldn’t have chosen a better story, a more worthy winner, or a happier outcome for the prize he so generously gave.

Happy Christmas to all.

Dec 24, 2011
Pleasure in sharing
by: Ruth

Babz and I were very lucky to have the most wonderful mother who was a generous and much loved lady who brought us up knowing there is no pleasure in having anything or winning something, unless you can share it with others.
We don’t have a lot in comparison to some but we do have what we need and there are so many who have nothing much at all.
It’s an honour to be able to help even in a small way and we’d never have been able to give away £200 worth of cat food without Babz winning Michael’s compo. I can still see in my mind the wonder and happiness on her face when her story was chosen. She knew exactly what she was going to do with her prize.
Leanne we will always do as much as we can to help you at Kays Hill, you and Kevin deserve medals for all your hard work and for caring about each and every one of those living creatures you rescue.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Dec 24, 2011
babz is a star
by: leanne

we were obviously very grateful and happy to recieve such a great gift but we are equally pleased that barbaras fantastic generosity has been seen by others. she, and her sister ruth, are very kind and generous people and will always help a cat in need if they possibly can. we have already thanked them both here on poc and in person, but i’ll take this opportunity to say thank you again, not just for the comp. cat food but for all the food and other donations they have given us over the time we have known them both. THANK YOU.

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