The story of the new taxonomic classification of the ‘clouded tiger-cat’

The experts have concluded after careful analysis that there is a new subspecies of Oncilla on the planet and they’ve called it the ‘clouded tiger-cat’. This story is about the reclassification taxonomically of an existing species of small wild cat so that it has been ‘carved out’ of an existing classification when it was not considered a separate species. The work to come to this conclusion was extensive and many scientists were involved.

Here is a summary thanks to Bing’s Copilot for which I am grateful. The classification of wild cats can be tricky. The science has changed out of all recognition over the preceding 100 years. Where once it was all about appearance, it is now down to DNA testing and genetic analysis. On this basis a ‘new’ small wild cat subspecies has been ‘discovered’.

Fictional representation of a new subspecies of Oncilla called the 'clouded tiger-cat'
Fictional representation of a new subspecies of Oncilla called the ‘clouded tiger-cat’. This is a nice image, free to use, which you can see in original size by clicking on the image which takes you to a new tab/window. Download from there.

RELATED: Oncilla Cat Facts For Kids – a nice summary in plain English. 😊

The reclassification

So without further ado after that introduction, let’s dive into the fascinating story of the clouded tiger-cat and its recent taxonomic classification:

Discovery and Confusion: About 14 years ago, wildlife conservationist Tadeu de Oliveira received an email from researcher Rebecca Zug. The email contained camera trap photos of a curious-looking cat with a long tail and loads of spots; a tiger-cat unlike any other de Oliveira had ever seen.

This mysterious cat roamed Central and South America, but its identity remained unclear. Until now, only two tiger-cat species were formally recognized: the northern tiger cat (or oncilla, Leopardus tigrinus) and the southern tiger cat (or southern tigrina, L. guttulus), which also has three subspecies.

Formal Proposal of a New Species: Fast forward to 2024, de Oliveira teamed up with more than 40 small cat researchers to propose a new species: the clouded tiger-cat (Leopardus pardinoides). This discovery brings the total number of tiger-cat species to three.

The team meticulously examined 1,400 records from museums and camera traps. They compared sizes, shapes, color patterns, and habitats among tiger-cats. Genetic analysis further solidified the case for the clouded tiger-cat’s species status.

Clouded Tiger-Cat Characteristics: The clouded tiger-cat is about the size of a house cat. It has a distinctive coat with spots and a long tail. Unlike the other recognized tiger-cat species, this one has unique genetic markers that set it apart.

Conservation Concerns: Despite the joy of discovering a new species, the scientists uncovered a grim reality. Each tiger-cat species exists in far fewer places than previously believed. The clouded tiger-cat, like its counterparts, has lost more than 50% of its original habitat. This alarming decline has put them on the red alert list for conservation efforts.

Leopardus Genus: With the addition of the clouded tiger-cat, there are now nine species in the Leopardus genus. Interestingly, this genus is not related to the leopard. It includes Western Hemisphere species such as the ocelot, margay, Andean cat, pampas cat, and the tiger-cats.

In summary, the clouded tiger-cat’s discovery highlights the importance of conservation efforts to protect these elusive felines and their shrinking habitats. 💕👍

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