I would say that Kaleb Brooks is quite a rare individual. It is not that rare for a boy of eight to really love cats but it is quite rare to use that love in a very generous and altruistic way and be keen to do so.

Kristy has commented, which is very nice of her. Please scroll down to see what she has added to the page. It’s good.
Kaleb is the son of Kristy Brooks. They live in North Carolina, USA. He wants to help cats. He volunteers for both Friends for Life Cat Adoptions and Cabarrus TNR. They say that he is the best junior volunteer that they have. That does not surprise me.
It is his birthday on 21st Feb. This year he has asked that instead of receiving birthday presents people who would have given him a present should instead donate cat supplies to the places where he volunteers.
I believe that his behavior is a result of the power of a good family life. Is the result of good parenting and no doubt his mother loves cats as well. I also expect, and hope, that his mother loves animals generally and has passed it to her son. I believe she works or volunteers at the Troutman Animal Hospital. I hope she comments.
If he has siblings, and I’m not sure that he has, then a friendly and warm relationship between siblings can generate a generous attitude within them.
The way I see it, this is about that all-important aspect of life: education. It’s about creating a warmth within the family environment which is constructive and generous, while at the same time educating children to respect animals. It is also about giving a child confidence.
I think it is fair to say that most of the examples of kids killing and abusing cats are the result of a dysfunctional, psychologically damaging environment in which parents unwittingly damage their child. They become unable to relate to animals in a respectful way. In fact it is often the contrary, the children express their anger and confusion through hurting whatever they can and often the most vulnerable creature in and around the household is a domestic cat.
There is an argument that kids should be taught animal welfare at school. Why not? It makes sense. It should be part of the curriculum. We owe it to the animals that we are forcing off the planet. There is a great need for improved animal welfare. The only sustainable way to achieve that is through education. This must start with children. They are the engine for change going forward.
Kaleb Brooks is the opposite to cat haters/abusers. He almost seems to be at the opposite end of the spectrum to kids who abuse cats (and there are quite a few). Well done to his mother. Here’s a video of him thanking two people who gave gifts to him for the cats. He wanted to make a short video.
8 years later i am still the same kind man i was then
Great. The world needs guys like you. And thanks for dropping in to the site and commenting. Take care and keep supporting cat welfare.