Three Tons of Cats and Dogs Culled

This is a short note to remind us how bad the human can become in its relations with domestic cats and dogs. This is a complete abdication of responsibility towards domestic cats and dogs. It is a total perversion of the relationship between cat/dog and humans. It was never meant to be like this. I wonder whether cats and dogs should ever have been domesticated when you read how horrendous the relationship has become in parts of the world.

A grizzly shipment on a bus of skinned cats and dogs destined for restaurants in Vietnam.
A grizzly shipment on a bus of skinned cats and dogs destined for restaurants in Vietnam.

The debasing of the lives of domestic cats and dogs has reached a nadir in Vietnam where they describe cats being shipped on a lorry by gross weight.

One of the Vietnamese online news sites states:

“A year ago, a huge smuggling case shocked the nation as well as international media as police in Hanoi stopped a truck carrying three tons of cats, all alive, from China. The cats….were all culled later as undocumented goods.”

They might just as well be writing about nuts and bolts except you can’t cull those. “Culling” no doubt means killing in some sort of brutal, mass manner. I dread to think what it was.

Recently a ton of dead cats and dogs was seized from a bus as they were being taken to restaurants in the north of Vietnam.

They dead cats and dogs – all skinned – were in ten boxes (see photo on this page). They were not refrigerated and so they smelled bad. It is so grizzly and disgusting as to be unbelievable for people in the West but day-to-day business for the Vietnamese.

The press says that the nation was shocked but I don’t believe this. There are animal rights activists in China and Vietnam but as a whole the country does not give a damn.

After China, Vietnam is the second biggest dog and cat meat market in the world. It is estimated that five million dogs are slaughtered annually in Vietnam for restaurants.

Cat meat is considered a delicacy in Thai Binh and Nam Dinh Province where it is served up at ceremonies and festivals. Dog meat is eaten anytime, anywhere.

Damn them, I say. May these cat and dog eaters and traders suffer eternal damnation on their passing.

7 thoughts on “Three Tons of Cats and Dogs Culled”

  1. Yes, I do believe he’s a birder – an ornithologist. If not an ornithologist, somebody for some reason who hates or strongly dislikes cats and finds all kinds of reasons why they should not exist. This sort of person likes to kill cats. And they always write about the cat in strongly negative terms indicating a huge bias against cats without supporting evidence of any kind.

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