There are so many stray and feral cats where I live

There are so many stray and feral cats where I live

by Sarah Neilsen
(Scandia, Minnesota)

Lily and Bailey

Lily and Bailey

There are sooo many stray and feral cats where I live. I wish There was a way I could help them more. There are at least 12 that come up to my house every night looking for food, and those are just the ones that are brave enough to come up to me.

Every year it gets worse and worse; they keep multiplying. I've called several places about the TNR program and there just not available around here.

It breaks my heart to see what these poor animals go through everyday. I feed them every day because they have become dependent on that, and there is no way I can turn them down.

I have three cats myself. One of them, Bailey (the Siamese looking one on the right in the picture) is one of the strays from outside. I took her in 2 years ago now, because she was the sweetest thing and would follow me around the yard meowing and would just stare into to window looking at me all day.

I would love to take them all, but that is unrealistic. But right now I am taking care of three 5 week old kittens. They were 3 weeks old when I found them in the gutters outside behind the garage abandoned by their mother.

I will have them till they are 9 weeks old which is when they will be ready to be adopted. Its going to kill me to see them leave, but I know its for the best considering they won't have to live outside like all the others I see.


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There are so many stray and feral cats where I live

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Jun 12, 2010 response to michaels question
by: Me (Sarah)

Yes I do have a vet and they help out when they can, they did the FIV test for the kittens and have taken care of some shots for them, But for spay and neutering it would cost 150 for the females and a little less than that for the males. If I had the money I would definatly TNR but I dont. I do what I can though by making sure they have food everynight and water. but now im attracting the raccoons unfortunatally

Thank you guys for your comments I appreciate them. I was outside feeding them tonight and 2 new cats came walking up it seems that every couple weeks new ones come. It will never end.
It makes me sick to think that people could be so cruel to put these innocent animals out in the world to fend for themselves when they are really supposed to be cherished. (Especially up here in Minnesota where the winters get well below zero)

Jun 12, 2010 To Sarah
by: Ruth

Sadly, something must have happened to the kittens mother as a cat would never abandon her kittens like that.
Thank goodness you found them and saved their lives.
True ferals would be very unhappy living indoors so try not to worry about the cats too shy to come near you.As long as they have food and shelter they are content.The braver ones are probably not ferals, but cats thrown out by ignorant or cruel people.
I wish you lived in England, Cats Protection would help you with TNR. I hope you find someone to help you with this soon.
You are doing a wonderful job, I admire you very much.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jun 12, 2010 You've done a lot
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Sarah. Thank you for all your kindness towards the stray and ferals. None of us can solve everything, so don't feel bad you can't save them all - you've already done so much more than most!
I hope some way for TNR can be arranged, because that clearly would be the best solution. Minnesota has a strong Scandinavian heritage and the farmers who settled in your area more than a hundred years ago, would have known the importance of having cats around to keep the rodents in check. A controlled group af TNR'ed cats would do just that...
And Lily and Bailey are two beautiful cats. I'm sure they praise their luck having found and adopted you. 😉

Finn Frode avatar

Jun 12, 2010 One of us
by: Michael

You are one of us. One of the people who can't turn their backs on animals in need.

Do you have a vet who you have access to? How much does he charge for neutering and can you get them to the vet?

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