There is a time and place for declawing

There is a time and place for declawing

by Sheila

I understand your opinion. But their are times where declawing means the cat will continue to live. For an example: I have a 5 month old kitten who was dropped off at my work a the age of 3 wks.

I have health issues to where it is not safe for me to get scratched. This kitten also has health issues which means she will be on meds for her whole life 2x a day.

She doesn’t like taking them. To take her to the shelter would mean a death sentence (too many healthy kittens).

This week she was declawed (both the vet and my doctor recommended it and soft claws didn’t work since she just pulled them off)..

She was on the best pain killers possible. It has been 4 days and she acts as if nothing happened.

I feel that doing it to protect furniture is wrong but there is a time and place for declawing.

I also believe it is just a cruel leaving a cat outside to get in fights or get ran over.


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There is a time and place for declawing

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Nov 02, 2011 3 things to say
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

I only have three things to say.
1. Declawing is banned in at least 38 countries. Can 38 countries be wrong?
2. Has anyone come up with a reason to declaw that DOESN’T benefit the human rather than the cat?
3. The American Veterinary people take an oath to not cause harm to a cat and to do no procedure without a medical reason concerning the cat (NOT) the owner. Yet they go against their oath and declaw anyway.

So back to #2? Has anyone heard of a good reason to declaw the cat for the cats benefit?

FYI I’m on blood thinners too but would NEVER dream of declawing a cat. I rescue declawed cats because they often end up in shelters then BACK in shelters after the rescue due to “behavorial problems.”

Nov 02, 2011 Declawing Cats: The Height of Cruelty
by: Jo Singer

People that think they truly love cats, but opt to have the first digit on their kitten’s or cat’s paws amputated can come up with hundreds of rationalizations to justify their decision to mutilate their kitties.

Sorry to say but there is never a reason to declaw a cat. You adopted a kitten that was so young, and at that very moment you actually promised to take care of her and ensure her safety.

But in reality, you asked the kitten to take care of you, by putting your needs first, and I am speculating, not understanding the full implication of what that surgery causes.

Cats hide their pain. They don’t tell you they are hurting, so you assumed she was fine post surgery recovery time. In fact, cats can remain in horrendous pain for a considerable amount of time.

Cats need those toe joint that were amputated to be able to ambulate correctly. Their weight distribution is knocked out of whack, which often results in arthritis and other physical problems.

I am a special needs person myself. I have a kitty that is special needs as well. He doesn’t love taking his medication, but we have worked hard together so he is willing to allow me to medicate him. It takes patience and trust on the part of the kitty.

I agree with the folks that have already written comments about whether it was appropriate for you to keep a kitty with behavioral issues that made it too difficult for you to handle her. Rehoming her would have permitted her to keep her precious paws intact.

Had you thoroughly researched the dangers of declawing prior to taking the “easy way out” for you and the very difficult way for your kitty, perhaps she would still have her claws. I am afraid your decision was made for your benefit, certainly not your cat’s.

It is just very sad.. very very sad.

Oct 31, 2011 Any excuse is a good excuse to you pro-declaws…
by: Maggie

You can think up any excuse in the world, but it will never be good enough… Here’s something you might not have thought of yet, declawing is ILLEGAL in 38 countries around the world. Including mine, Australia. We have health issues here, too! If my sister gets scratched by a cat her hand will swell up in huge red itchy welts. But that’s still no excuse for her to have a cat’s toes chopped off. I have a friend who’s mother will wind up in hospital if she’s scratched by a cat, but she would still prefer that than having a cat’s feet mutilated to the point where the cat lives a life of total disability. It’s called respect and compassion.

I’m not going to go into what you’re going to have to deal with from having a declawed cat. Michele S said it perfectly. But just keep in mind, cats hide their pain extremely well. You need to be particularly educated in cat care to be able to pick up the extremely subtle signs of a cat in pain. Some cats have hidden their pain so well that their owners haven’t realised until their cat is dead. You pro declaws just don’t understand what you’re doing to your cats when you amputate their fingers.

Oct 31, 2011 Michele S I agree totally
by: Leah England

Michele S I really think you have hit the nail on the head. The feelings of cats in the USA just don’t figure compared with dogs; I really believe they are viewed as you say as ‘unfeeling lumps of fur’.

And yes for a so called 1st world country with forward thinking views they are so far behind (practically in the dark ages) when it comes to animal welfare. I don’t suppose they even begin to understand how their ethics (or lack of) come across to the other 38 countries where de-clawing is banned.

I used to watch all the American animal programmes on The animal planet but I just can’t since I’ve become aware of this barbaric practice because I now I know how their vets really make their money.

Day after day I feel sick with anger when I think of all the terror, pain, suffering that is inflicted so often on these beautiful creatures. Americans you should be so bloody ashamed, this is what we associate with third world countries where at least some of the suffering can be attributed to ignorance and lack of education but not you; you should be hanging you heads in shame, it is utterly shocking what you are capable of.

Oct 31, 2011 Be aware of potential problems from declawing
by: Michele S.

I wished you hadn’t declawed this kitten but now that you have, I’d urge you to research potential problems such as claw regrowth, loose bone fragments, arthritis etc. Highly respected vet Jennifer Conrad has a brilliant web site The Paw Project which you should look at. If you’re not convinced that declawing can have horrendous effects, search “Who Is Stella Stiletto” or read Donna’s experience below;

Please remember that cats are very stoic creatures who instinctively hide their pain because they know it would make them vulnerable to rivals or predators. It’s your duty to educate yourself on her body language so that you can spot any potential problems straight away and get them treated. There an excellent article on this web site “Declawing: A Physical Therapist Assistant’s Perspective” which is invaluable reading.

I’d also suggest changing vet clinics. Now that you know your vet was willing to perform an unecessary amputation – can you ever really trust their advice again? How can you ever be sure that he’s recommending what is best for your kitten or his wallet? If declawing does cause your kitten problems, you may even find that your vet will be unwilling to admit this because that would be tantamount to admitting that he knew in advance of the potential health risks. Imagine the can of worms that would open.

Oct 31, 2011 How sad and selfish
by: Leah England

Sheila I feel so sad for your kitten being punished for what kittens do. Sadly she was unlucky to be born in your country. So very unlucky just like so many other cats and kittens that end up de-clawed because of selfish owners and money grabbing vets.

I find your article distasteful in the extreme and there isn’t really much to add because everyone has said it already; there is never a right time to de-claw a cat because hey Sheila guess what!? cats are born with claws and its not up to you, a doctor or a vet to decide that those precious little toes should be chopped off. Quite honestly you make me feel very sick and very angry.

Its actually quite simple; if you have health problems and you can’t cope with claws then don’t get a cat.

Oct 31, 2011 The time & place for declawing is consigned to history books
by: Michele S.

Unless on medical grounds for the health of the cat, I don’t believe there’s ever a time or place where declawing can be justified. Especially when the only criteria is owner convenience.

Having grown up in a country where vets have always refused to declaw I really struggle to understand why any cat owner would think it necessary. Thankfully doctors here in the UK don’t perpetuate the myth that cats are dangerous to anyone with a compromised immune system. Besides which, having a cat is not compulsory. The simple answer for anyone worried about getting scratched is to learn about their behaviour and teach the cat claw manners or don’t bother getting one in the first place.

Dog bites are more common than cat scratches, and they can cause more serious injuries. Yet I don’t ever hear of doctors or vets suggesting the dog’s teeth be removed for the safety of the owner. Dog scratches can be nasty too, but again I’ve never heard of a dog being declawed.

It seems to me that cats must somehow be considered unfeeling/unthinking blobs of fur by some in the USA. It’s a tragedy that in such an advanced country, your animal welfare laws are so lacking.

You can’t say for certain that just because you struggled with the idea of giving a clawed kitten meds twice a day, that everyone else would feel exactly the same way. There are lots of genuine cat lovers out there who wouldn’t reject the idea of adopting a kitten just because it has a health condition. Remember too that many cats develop health problems later in life that require daily medication. Do you think those owners need to declaw their elderly cats to make medicating them easier? Reading between the lines, it sounds as though you wanted this kitten declawed whether you had to give her meds or not.

Believe me, if you’d researched how much declawing can affect them physically and psychologically you’d understand that some cats would be better off dead. Responsible owners protect their pets from unnecessary suffering – not pay unscrupulous vets to inflict it on them.

Oct 31, 2011 Totally wrong
by: Petra Stephenson

You couldn’t be more wrong Sheila, there is never a time and place for declawing a cat, that is a poor excuse used to justify selfish, ignorant and bad cat care. If you have health issues that mean you can’t be scratched you shouldn’t have been so irresponsible as to keep the kitten, you should have put all your destructive energy into finding her a loving home where she would have been safe from abusers such as yourself. If the cat has health issues by declawing her you have given her a hell of a lot more issues on top.
I hope you’re not expecting praise or agreement because you’ve come to the wrong place that’s for sure.

Oct 31, 2011 Cats adapt
by: Jane A

Is it something to be proud of that she was on the best pain killers possible…..
for pain deliberately and needlessly caused?
Now you write she acts as if nothing happened!
What did you expect?
Although in your ignorance you probably don’t know cats have no choice but to adapt.

When you see her frantically trying to scratch as cats need to for keeping their muscles healthy will you still be as smug?

She doesn’t know you’ve condemned her to a lifetime without toe ends.

How could you????????????????

Oct 31, 2011 NO NO NO there is NOT
by: Anonymous

Declawing should be illegal in every country.
A trusting 5 month old kitten has had her life ruined by your selfish act.
I hope you can live with your conscience.

Oct 31, 2011 Take a look at what you have done
by: OJ

This is what you have done:

Oct 31, 2011 Why declaw or death?
by: Rose

I don’t understand why you say declawing means the cat will continue to live.
Why is it declaw or death?
The cat could have continued to live very well with her toe ends intact with someone else who really does love cats.
You took the easy way out for yourself instead of finding her a home where she could live contentedly.
God knows if she has other health issues she has enough to contend with and you have now made her life worse with cruel surgery!
Don’t come here trying to convince anyone there is a time and place for declawing because you are sorely mistaken
THERE IS NOT!!!!!!!!!!

Oct 31, 2011 No there is NO time and place
by: Ruth

Poor little kitten crippled for life because YOU have health issues. A little kitten with as you say health issues of her own now has even more, as you, your doctor and your corrupt vet decided she should have her ten toe ends amputated.
Now she can not play as kittens play, she can not walk as a cat walks, she can not exercise as cats need to by digging in their claws to stretch their muscles, she can not groom properly and she is doomed to painful arthritis as she ages.
If you can’t handle a cat for giving medication then you are not a fit cat caretaker !
Why couldn’t you rehome the poor little soul, why put her through supposedly last resort major surgery.
When the consequences manifest, if she starts messing outside the litter box or worse still biting you when she realises you have paid to have her self defence taken away from her I hope you won’t suddenly decide to ‘get rid’ of her.
There is NO time and place for declawing, poor little cat having the misfortune to be born in one of the few countries where cats can be legally abused instead of a country like ours where it is rightfully illegal !
And do you know what Sheila ? We have people here too with health issues who manage very well without causing their pets pain and disablement.If they can’t then they let the cat go to someone who can.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Oct 31, 2011 Wrong
by: Barbara

Sheila you are wrong, the time to declaw is never nor should there ever be a place for declawing. The kitten that you have paid to be surgically mutilated could have been rehomed privately, the money you spent on robbing her of her toe ends would have paid for private advertising in local press, the truth is that because you selfishly wanted to keep the kitten on your terms you allowed yourself to be persuaded that living with you was worth her losing vital parts of her small paws. How wrong ang how cruel of you.
If you have a health issue where you shouldn’t be scratched then you shouldn’t have a cat, it’s dead simple, there is no reason why a cat should pay such a huge price to live with you. And as for her having to be on meds, well so what? You could wrap her in a towel, or buy a tablet doser which slides the tablet down the throat quickly, it wouldn’t have cost even a fraction of what you paid for her to be butchered.
She was on the best painkillers possible was she? Well dear YOU caused that pain, you’ve maimed her, she’s yours right enough and now you have a duty of care to her for the rest of her life, watch those paws well because it’s quite likely that when she gets older she will suffer for your selfishness.

Declawing is banned in 38 countries and several cities in the USA how do you think people in those countries manage if they have “health issues”? And how do you think we give our cats meds? The big problem is the very fact that declawing is available, if it were not then precious princesses would have to face reality and if their “issues” were so important then the sensible decision would be don’t have a cat. If a stray cat came along to any of us and we couldn’t keep it we would rehome it, not threaten death at a shelter or under a car as an excuse to maim the creature for life. So Sheila no praise from me for taking the kitten in and declawing her, sorry to disappoint you.

1 thought on “There is a time and place for declawing”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Sheila, you should have researched what declawing is before you decided to go with it. The truth is that declawed cats often become biters and if you can’t be scratched by a cat, then you definitely can’t deal with cat bites. This is because cat mouths have a lot of bacteria in their mouths that is harmful to humans and their bites are often deeper than scratches. If you think I’m making this up, the CDC, NIH, US Public Health and other experts in infectious disease and immune disorders do not recommend that people with health problems get their cats declawed because of these reasons.
    It will also get quite expensive because declawed cats also get a lot of health problems that were created by declawing, such as cystitis and arthritis.
    You should have tried different methods of giving the cat her meds or used a pill shooter or pill pocket. You could have taken her to get her claws clipped professionally or bought one of those scratching posts that file down a cat’s claws. There were options available for you. You just didn’t try them.

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