This is the art of Kamwei Fong. He is a smart guy and he lives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Below I have embedded two images and two videos from his Instagram account. He has an online shop on Etsy [click]. His customers give him a five star rating. He is good and I really like his art
PLEASE PLAY THE VIDEO BY CLICKING ON THE PLAY BUTTON. It shows the intricate method that he employs. It is very precise. He builds the picture like building a home with bricks and mortar. It is a painstaking, patient process. But he has imagination too and he knows cats. I think he is a cat guardian. In fact I am sure he is.
P.S. It is nice to do a page on pictures of cats! The reason why I do articles on cat stories and many other topics is because I need to find the material as I work on the site every day. There are not enough pictures of cats for me to solely write about pictures to the exclusion of everything else. The site’s name is based on the keyword ‘pictures of cats’ which was the biggest keyword in the world of cats about 12 years ago and it propelled the site to the number one spot in the world at that time.