A cat owner in Oregon, USA says that his Himalayan cat has a history of violence. I have a sneaking suspicion that it is not the cat that is violent or out-of-control as described, but that the cat lives in a home that is unsuitable for a domestic cat. In short, the out of control criticism leveled at this cat could quite possibly better describe the people, the house holders, who look after him/her.

This is the story. A Himalayan cat weighing 22 pounds, scratches the baby in the home. He has been described as having, “attacked a baby”. I think attacking a baby is different to scratching a baby and it is almost certain that the cat scratched the baby because the baby provoked, in some way, the cat.
The fault here is neither with the baby nor the cat. The fault is clearly with the parents who failed to supervise the interaction between the cat and the baby or failed to separate them when they were not around to supervise. Nearly all cats get along with babies even new babies; they tend to ignore them but that said sensible precautions should be taken and they were not taken in this instance. Therefore blame should be placed upon the cats owners, the parents.
Returning to the story, after the cat scratched the baby, the baby’s father kicked the cat. Then the cat, predictably, became enraged and terrorised the family forcing them to retreat into the bedroom (or was it the bathroom) where the man called police. The cat was screaming we are told. The police arrived and managed to snare the cat and put him into some sort of cage. The cat was left at the home and it is not clear what the intentions of the family are in relation to their cat.
My advice, regarding their intentions, should be to ask some honest and serious questions about their behaviour and how they are managing and caring for their cat and their baby. That should be the focus of their attention rather than their cat and in the meantime I would also advise them to ensure that their cat is re-homed in a suitable home that is calm and which feels safe for the cat. The cat should not be taken to a rescue centre because we know what the outcome will be bearing in mind that the owner will describe his cat as having a history of violence. That is a death sentence.
Update: the family are keeping their cat. They indicate that he’ll be receiving medication, which, personally, I strongly disagree with.
Original story
I hate to say it, Ruth, but the public agree with me in my article of several days ago. Mind you, it is common sense, which is why it is shocking how this family have behaved and the online media are hopelessly out of touch with reality in blaming the cat.
This was discussed on talk radio a couple if days ago and the callers all thought this family is completely insane.
They need to give the cat his own space, his own territory, so he’s not competing with them or the baby for territory and dominance. They should build something like what Jeff built for Monty. Then the cat can own that high space and look down on them. His aggressive tendencies would vanish. The cats needs aren’t being met. Kicking him only makes it worse. Give him what he needs– his own territory and a way to “own” the room– and he’ll be fine.
How can people live with a cat and not figure that out? They should watch Jackson Galaxy’s show just once. In almost every episode a cat is helped by being given access to height in a room. I would guess this “violent” cat has no access to high places in any room. I’d bet money on it.
LOL. I have a vision of thousands of little Woodies
Gotcha, Woody!
That’s one of the reasons we like to keep you here, at home, with us – so you don’t troll other websites so much.
Please don’t breed!
No, the boots were necessary in combination with redirection treatments as part of the behaviour therapy program. Those of us who take on temperamental cats or tame feral kittens (i’ve done both) understand the need for personal protection in the early stages of the process. Once the cat learns there is nothing to be gained from attacking legs and its prey drive is redirected, the boots aren’t needed any more. People like this aren’t desirous of being disrespected; modifying a problem behaviour takes time and patience and often needs interim precautions such as gloves or boots.