This is Providence at work: Being reunited with daughter’s beloved cat 10 years after her death

This is the happy ending story of a cat who lost his way following the death of his owner. Thanks to a lot of great people, Mousey has been reunited with members of the family who loved him.

Joyce, her husband and youngest daughter

It all started a few weeks ago when a friendly grey and white cat showed up in a Bronx, New York feral colony. The caregiver, Rita, contacted Magnificat Cat Rescue and Rehoming and asked for help in finding this friendly boy a new home.

The rescue suggested Mousey be taken to a veterinarian and checked for a microchip. It came back to an owner named Denise who registered Mousey in 2008 but the phone number had been disconnected and the address was more than three hours away.

Rita with Mousey

The story turns sad for awhile, as in the search for Denise it was learned she died at the age of 39 not long after Denise had adopted two kittens a few months prior to her death. Denise’s family had offered to take the kittens but the husband refused.

Denise’s mother, Joyce, called back after a voicemail was left after Rita and Magnificat Cat Rescue left a voicemail. In an interview with LoveMeow Joyce said it was like getting a message from Denise from beyond the grave.

“This is Providence at work.”

June 2018 marks the ten year anniversary of Denise’s death. After she died, the husband apparently cut off contact with the family and they never heard another word about Mousey until the microchipped was scanned.

Mousey will have a companion, as the family had already taken in a cat after a neighbor passed away and will keep the name they knew him back.

President and Founder of Magnificat Cat Rescue Cary Aminoff stated

“To have tracked down Mousey’s owner and to have been a part of his reunion with his family has been a joy and a privilege.”

Since Joyce and her husband are both in their 70’s the couple has already made plans for their son and daughter to take Mousey, should something happen to them.

Joe, a transporter with Wheels of Hope with Mayor’s Alliance for NYC Animals picked up Mousey from Rita on Thursday and drove the sweet kitty to his new home four hours away.

Mousey relaxing on a lap

Mousey is eating well and is acting like he’s always made a home there. Perhaps he senses Denise’s spirit through the love shown him by her parents. He’s eating, using the litter box and has quickly turned into a lap cat.

If you’d like to help Magnificat Cat Rescue, their Facebook page along with information on how to donate can be found here.

Photos courtesy Facebook: Magnificat Cat Rescue and Rehoming.

2 thoughts on “This is Providence at work: Being reunited with daughter’s beloved cat 10 years after her death”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. What a great reunion story. This is such a happy ending, having Mousey and Denise’s family brought together. Definitely feels like the work of a higher power. 💜

  3. For me what comes out of the story is the teamwork which reunited Mousey with his owner’s family. There are some excellent people who make these reunions work. It was very unfortunate that Mousey’s owner so sadly died soon after adoption. Unforeseen events can have a devastating impact on the lives of domestic cats.

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