This Oh So Sad Semi-feral Cat is Given Treatment, TLC and a Home

Like humans, cats have to make the best of the hand that they are dealt with. This boy, like most feral cats, was dealt a tough hand. He survived in a feral cat colony for nine years. He was being fed by a nice person in his backyard. But he was feral and it is tough living outside. He picked up an infection and he was already FIV positive.

sad semi-feral cat Tuffy

He had a bad sinus infection. He had pink eye too (conjunctivitis) as far as I can tell. He had a bacterial infection and it was making him miserable.

sad semi-feral cat Tuffy

He looks sad actually even after he was so expertly and lovingly treated with TLC and antibiotics. He was cleaned up: his matts have been removed and so have his fleas. But he still looks oh so sad.

sad semi-feral cat Tuffy

You know even in the last photogragh, he has that look on his face which you only see on cats who are not feeling well. He may be in a lot of discomfort in fact. I would at least consider euthanising him, which must sound harsh but he looks in pain to me and very sad. What I am saying is that he may have been in long term pain, we don’t know. The look on his face indicates that and the look is not because he is in a cage in my opinion.

The person who was feeding him, trapped him and took him to the Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association, VOKRA. They treated him very nicely and rather than putting him back into the urban jungle they took him to Katie’s Place Rescue Shelter where he can live with other FIV+ cats. That’s nice. He’s come out of the cold of the harsh world of feral cats into a more emotionally warm environment. About time.

He looks a bit old too. I hate seeing sad cats. I hope he’ll smile one day soon. His name is Tuffy.

Source: He Was Feeding His Cats When A Feral Cat Showed Up…..

20 thoughts on “This Oh So Sad Semi-feral Cat is Given Treatment, TLC and a Home”

  1. Maybe you could take him to a vet for a checkup. He may have a cancer tumour or some other medical problem that is causing him pain. just remember cats can’t tell us what the problem is. Hope he comes right!

  2. Sorry I’m just catching up on this one. He does look like he’s been miserable for a long time. Cats do their best to hide that, but he lost that battle. I would do all I could for him and hope he feels better. I hope he has and does.

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