This woman adopted this 20-year-old cat from a shelter because she didn’t want him to spend the end of his life alone in a cage

I have taken the words in the title direct from the Reddit user who posted the photo because they are excellent. And the attitude of the woman is excellent. The photograph captures the moment beautifully and so it’s excellent too. I’ve seen this type of human behaviour a few times over 14 years. In other words, it is unusual. However, it is high quality behaviour, as good as it gets in the world of cats. Sometimes I would like to turn the adoption process at animal rescue centres on its head. Everybody should adopt the old, less attractive cats at the shelter first and the beautiful little kittens and the rare purebred cat come last. Let’s do that for three months of the year and see what happens. I know what would happen. There would be a lot less death at shelters in America and in other countries.

This woman adopted this 20-year-old cat from a shelter because she didn't want him to spend the end of his life alone in a cage
This woman adopted this 20-year-old cat from a shelter because she didn’t want him to spend the end of his life alone in a cage. Photo: Shelter staff (believed).
Two useful tags. Click either to see the articles:- Toxic to cats | Dangers to cats

There will also be many happier adopters because as I said before there are great rewards for the person who takes it upon themselves to adopt a cat for the reasons stated in the title to this article. Is the moral high ground. It makes you feel good to take that route. It is good for both the person the cat.

Some more great shelter moments:

Who would adopt the 2 most undesirable companion animals at a shelter? This woman did.

Woman who adopted 11-year-old cat returns to shelter to adopt his 16-year-old friend

27-year-old adopts 26-year-old cat

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