Three beautiful FeLV positive kitties need new home

Three beautiful FeLV positive kitties need new home

by Liz Walker
(Chattanooga TN)

Jesse & Tigger Sleeping

Jesse & Tigger Sleeping

I have three beautiful kitties who have tested FeLV positive, a mother and two kittens approximately 6 months old.

I have 3 other cats in the house who are vaccinated and as far as I know are negative.

I still need to take them and retest to be sure. In the meantime I am wondering if anyone out there knows of anyone in Tennessee or Georgia that might be willing to adopt my wonderful kitties into an already FeLV positive home.

I can not bear the thought of putting them down and it seems so unfair to keep locked away in a office alone all the time.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Liz Walker

From Three beautiful FeLV positive kitties need new home to Adoptable FeLV positive cats.

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