Three Legged Cat

by Michael
(London UK)

Charlie my three legged cat looking like a gargoyle in the prairie dog position but actually he is quite handome and sweet

Charlie my three legged cat looking like a gargoyle in the prairie dog position but actually he is quite handome and sweet

I have just taken in a three legged cat. He is big, heavy and black. He shouldn’t be quite as heavy as it curtails his walking and jumping (down) skills. Although he has no problem in jumping up. In fact his back has been strengthened because he lost his right front leg which means he hops when walking or running and his back has to do a lot more work. In fact he sits up like a prairie dog with ease and holds the position (see photo). All cats can do this, particularly dwarf cats, but his version is more refined and stable.

Why do have I have a cat companion who has three legs? Well it is sad but my mother passed away very recently (funeral was today 30-10-09) and either I took him in or there was the distinct possibility that he would have been put down by a rescue centre. Black cats are less popular and a three legged one, I felt, was in danger.

three legged cat Charlie
This is a still from a piece of video

Anyway, I smell like my mother (at the cat scent level) so when he smelled me I think he picked up a bit of her and he felt at home. That said I am not really in a position to care for another cat (space problems etc.) but what can I do?

I picked him up two days ago and I am exhausted! He keeps me awake all night or I keep myself awake all night worrying about him. I have made him happy. He has a connection to his human companion who has passed on and for me he is the connection that I can have to my mother. It is a harmonious relationship in that way.

three legged cat at door in prairie dog position asking for food

My mother loved cats and I am sure if there is an after life she is happy to see me and Charlie together. Although I am finding him a bit of a handful! He definitely wants to go out. It is the pull of the wild and although he hops around quite slowly indoors, he can really shift when he wants to, which spells potential danger, lots of it. I have a leash and will try that!

A three legged cat can do pretty much everything a four legged one can do. Cats are very adaptable.

I also feel that he may have gone to the toilet outside in an enclosure when he was with my mother, which may translate into a bit of litter training but I am hopeful that he will be OK. I think that some of the drive to go out may be because he wants to go out to go to the toilet.

I’ll probably post some more info about my three legged cat, Charlie. One last thing. Through Charlie the connection to my mother is quite powerful and it is making these moments quite emotional. He is next to me right now.

Update: 14-11-09 I made a short video Charlie. He is a good actor as he can look creepy when he sits there on his bottom in the prairie dog position. So I made a creepy movie. But he is not creepy, just a good actor.

He is settling in nicely but he is a handful. And he is your genuine "messybeast" (I am thinking of Sarah Hartwell's website). He brings in mud by the bucket load from outside and deposits it all over my bed. Here is the video:

See a fine Helmi Flick cat picture of a 3 legged cat called Triton.

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Three Legged Cat

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Feb 29, 2012
Your cat Charlie is awesome! NEW
by: Anonymous

I too have a black cat (2 yrs. old) and they are beautiful and smart! Charlie is very lucky that you were there to take care of him after your mom passed. The two of you are definitely "bonded" through your mom. Take care of him and he'll be your buddie til her dies...:)

Aug 11, 2011
by: Michael

11th August 2011 - I love him so he is treated like a prince. This can lead to weight problems! He still gets around fine though. He is well settled and content.

We have good conversations - he is talkative - and he comes to me in the morning for a wash on the bed, a flea comb session and a demand for breakfast.

I have him in a video about cat sounds that you can see on this page.

Nov 03, 2010
Wonderful 3 legged cat
by: Anonymous

Your 3 legged cat is beautiful and I love him when he stands like a prairie dog. Make sure he is always treated well.

Nov 03, 2010
Wonderful 3 legged cat
by: Anonymous

Your 3 legged cat is beautiful and I love him when he stands like a prairie dog. Make sure he is always treated well.

Oct 11, 2010
Newly three legged
by: Sally

My little cat broke her leg a couple of weeks ago and although it was pinned, it then refractured and i had to make a decision frida night whether to have her put to sleep or have the entire leg amputated. I love her dearly and decided to go with the amputation as as although she is an old lady of about 19, she still enjoys life. Her op was saturday afternoon and she came home sunday evening. The vet warned me that she may take a while to recover - her age and she is very overweight but she is doing very well, already able to get about a little and having a hearty appetite. there is still a long way to go but i know i made the right decision for her. thatnks to all the people who have left positive commments about their cats which gave me the hope to go ahead with this.

Oct 07, 2010
🙁 My baby...
by: Mia

I just realized my cat's front right leg has to be amputated. He is 6 years old and I have raised him since he was 6 weeks. He jumped off a high tree and fractured his limb in six places. His arm is non-funtional and unrepairable. I cannot stop sobbing over this...his surgery is in roughly two days. I love my cat dearly and it pains me that he is going through this. He is not in any pain now, due to meds, and from what I have read I know that cats adapt pretty well with 3 legs. But the truth is, I don't know how I'm going to adjust. This may sound a bit selfish of me, but I have never gone through anything like this. Could you kindly give me a few words of advice? Thank you.

Sep 20, 2010
Hi Larry
by: Michael

Hi Larry, I have just seen your comment! Too busy etc.

Nice to know that we have a connection: a three legged cat!

Charlie has taken to chasing foxes. They are terrified of him because he runs in a peculiar/certain way that they can't recognise. The foxes just scram..


Michael Avatar

Jul 21, 2010
Cats are very adaptable.
by: Larry

Hi Michael,

It's Larry of

First let me say I'm sorry to read of the loss of your Mother, and good for you for taking in her cat.

"A three legged cat can do pretty much everything a four legged one can do. Cats are very adaptable."

"Cats with three legs compensate beautifully and they don't think about their loss of limb. It is as if the limb was never there for the cat."

Oh how I agree with these two statements of yours.

I also had the joy and privilege of sharing my life with a three legged cat. He started out with four but traffic being what it is the poor little chap came to some grief.

He lost a rear leg, but that did not stop him doing one single thing. He was so full of love too.

Here is a page about him Basil

Charlie is a fine looking cat, I love his videos.

Jul 14, 2010
H Bud
by: Michael

I have just seen your comment. I am pleased that you saved this cat. Charlie has a good life. He is next to me know. I am in bed! Best place to be...:)

Cats with three legs compensate beautifully and they don't think about their loss of limb. It is as if the limb was never there for the cat.

Michael Avatar

Jul 07, 2010
We Found One Today
by: Bud Fields


My friend Sara found a kitten with a damaged front leg this morning, on the highway. Being the compassionate person she is, Sara took the kitten (a very scared, angry and agile Kitten, as it turns out) to our local vet. He/she is there now, with a completely damaged nerve in the front left leg. Amputation is probable, but we are asking to save the leg if possible. The likelihood is the leg, if saved, will be useless. If that is the case, we will most likely amputate. It seems as if I have, somehow, become the keeper of the Cat! I finally decided to not put the kitten down because of your blog.

Thank you for sharing Charlie with me; it gives me hope that, with the appropriate love and care, Kitty can live, grow, and share a wonderful and useful life. I'll let you know how things go, if that's alright.


Bud Fields

Jun 27, 2010
3 Legged cats
by: Joanne Mid Cheshire Animal Welfare

Hi Michael,

I've only just found this page,
On our main Feral colony we have 2 three legged cats, I call them Mr & Mrs 3 legs. They have no problem at all getting around. When we first started work on this colony these two cats looked like they had been caught in snares. We had no option other than to have the legs amputated (We do not have any of our ferals put to sleep just because they need money spent on them) they deserve all the love and attention we can give them, and they certainly get it!
One day after cleaning their new home out (The Hut) I was watching some of them playing which was a lovely site to see as until we had neutered and built them up physically I had never seen any of them playing - they now run round like kittens! Anyway I was watching one that I call Big Daddy (because he thinks he is the boss) he was chasing his best mate around then I looked near the trees where they were and saw one of the Tabbies sitting up on a branch watching the action. I thought it was one of the Tabby boys then I looked a little closer and saw it was one of the Tabby torts I was amazed to see it was Mrs 3 legs! I watched her get down where she then joined in the fun with the rest of the gang. They were rolling around play fighting then chasing and running up the tree's again. One very happy contented colony of feral cats


Jun 24, 2010
Three Legged Cats
by: Tracy

Hi again Michael. I love your photos and videos of Charlie. When I played the video of him rowling at the other cat in your yard, both my Dudley and Pixie (his kitty roommate, our little girl) were all a-tither trying to figure out where he was.

I will have to try to get video of Dudley doing some of his distinctive aarrws and running, so we can compare. 🙂

I'm so glad I found this web site!

Apr 29, 2010
Another pic
by: Michael

Well, I can't resist photographing the man:

Charlie looking glamorous

He likes to go on top of the sofa (my girlfriends sofa) and watch. He is usually also reminding me that it is about food time.

Michael Avatar

Apr 15, 2010
Hi Finn
by: Michael

A big advantage with digital photography is an SLR camera with a sensitive sensor. This allows no flash photography in low light which expands the possibilities enormously. A decent lens also helps and with image stabilisation slow shutter speeds don't result in camera shake. It all adds up but yes you have to know the subject, be patient and time the photo!

Michael Avatar

Mar 28, 2010
Best three legged cat picture
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Michael. Seeing these pictures, I say to myself I have to stop using the flash and learn how to use my camera without all the automatics... 😉
You are right that the closed eye picture is probably 'the best three legged cat picture on the Internet'. We all know how hard it is to photograph black cats, but light from the side and the closed eye adds a mysterious sensation. It takes skills and a bit of luck to catch a moment like that. Charly looks less scary in the other picture, but it too has a lighting that really shows the texture of his fur.

I watched the video once more and besides his amazing running speed, I noticed how he ads extra ballance when running by having a greater distance between his hind legs than most other cats. He has indeed learned how to compensate for his missing leg.

Mar 27, 2010
One More
by: Michael

And is one more!

Charlie looking handsome

He is looking handsome and calm in this photo, which of course he is.

All the photos are by me.

Michael Avatar

Mar 27, 2010
Updating Pic and Vid
by: Michael

Here is an updating picture - a much better one:

Three Legged Black Cat

Sorry it is small (
for technical reasons) but if you click the pic you go to a large version on Flickr.

And here is another video of the man:

Michael Avatar

Nov 16, 2009
by: Ruth aka Kattaddorra

I'd love to hear Charlie's voice ! What you do for cats eh !!! We moved house for our cats safety and as it turned out it's the best thing we ever did. So you inheriting Charlie may be fate giving you a shove in the right direction !

Nov 16, 2009
Hi Ruth
by: Michael

I think he lost his leg in a car accident but my mother adopted him from the RSPCA so I am not sure.

In the video he is quite still. I made it a bit blurred and wobbly to give it a bit of mystery! He can pull an eerily mean face.

Yes, it is more worry about him than anything else. He likes to pop out and it is hard to confine him. I may have to move..!! Who said we own cats?

He likes to hold a conversation too. And he doesn't really meow in the conventional sense. I'll try and tape his vocalisations.

Plus he is large, which is why he terrifies every other cat. If he was on Bodmin moor he would be mistaken for a ghostly hop-along black panther:)

Nov 16, 2009
Charlie on video
by: Ruth aka Kattaddorra

You inherited a right handful there Michael ha ha How did Charlie lose his leg ? I've never seen a cat sit upright that long, what a character,you can just see it in his face !

Nov 16, 2009
Last comments - Thanks
by: Michael

Thank you Jane and Ruth for your kind words and support. It has not been easy to be honest. Charlie has proved to be very testosterone driven despite being neutered!

He is very territorial. So I have to watch him as he is inclined to chase any cat in the vicinity and he can move like a bat out of hell when he wants to in a very intimidating kind of hatchback shuffle! He looks very strange when running but run he can:)

I love him though.

Nov 15, 2009
Charlie is a darling.
by: Everycat

My condolences to you Michael at this sad time. I'm glad you took in dear Charlie, he seems to be a very special cat and I have no doubt he will adapt to living with you and Binnie well. I hope Binnie befriends him. Snuggling up in her litter tray is probably a scent reassurance for her right now. She'll come 'round once she realises that she isn't loved any less 🙂

Take care


Nov 09, 2009
by: Ruth aka Kattaddorra

I'm glad Charlie is so much better.Fireworks have come at a traumatic time for him so he's doing well really.
Why were you awake at 2am ? Michael, you have recently lost your mother and no matter how old we are, we've never known the world without our mothers ! When ours died, a particularly unkind 'friend' said did I think the world would come to an end because my mother had died? Well yes, I did as it felt like that.
Take care, be kind to yourself.

Nov 08, 2009
Charlie had a good day
by: Michael

Charlie had a good day today. We went out in the garden together, he was on a leash. When he came back he went to the toilet (earth and a bit of litter - thanks Ruth) in a litter tray. He has no problem with the leash.

He sleeps on my chair and not the bed at the moment so I get some sleep.

He was terrified by the bl**dy fireworks and hid under the bed! He came out in the early hours (2 am) and went to my chair. I was awake (why was I awake?).

He demanded attention today which to me indicates that he is more confident and settled.

Thanks for the comments. The household is becoming a bit more normal. I feel good because they banned declawing in Los Angeles. There are thousands of cats in Los Angeles who, although they are unaware of it, are going to live more content lives.

Nov 08, 2009
by: Ruth aka Kattaddorra

I hope it helps. Our friend/neighbour has 15 rescue cats and recently we made a top soil corner in the outside run for them. The cats love it and top soil is a lot cheaper than litter,although they do still have litter trays in the house too.
I hope Charlie wasn't too upset by the fireworks.We have 'bonfire month' here,thankfully the 2 cats we still have are used to the bangs, having grown up with it every year.

Nov 07, 2009
Good Idea
by: Michael

Hi Ruth, thanks for the idea. This crossed my mind but I didn't follow it through. I'll give it a try. Tonight is bonfire night so more pressure on the poor boy! I worry about him.

Nov 07, 2009
by: Ruth aka Kattaddorra

Micheal, try a litter tray of earth, the best is top soil you can get at garden centres. It solved our problem when we took a cat in who was used to doing it outside and we daren't her let out straight away of course.
I'd suggest growing a pot of kitty grass too as Charlie will be used to eating grass to help keep him 'regular'
Good luck X

Nov 06, 2009
Litter tray
by: Michael

Charlie needs litter training I have discovered (the hard way...!).

My mother had a cat enclosure with a cat flap/tunnel to it.

I feel that Charlie used the cat enclosure to go to the toilet at night outside on the earth.

He wants to get out at night and I am in south London in a block of flats on the ground floor. It is too dangerous for him.

So, here's praying we get some sleep tonight.

Nov 05, 2009
The litter tray
by: Finn Frode

Glad to hear that Charlie's functions are working again. It's was probably just the change of environment - same thing have been known to happen to humans, I know...
As to Binnie tucking up in the litter tray. We had it the other way around last year, when Snehvide moved in. For the first couple of days the newcomer preferred the litter tray. It worried us a bit, but since then she has only used it for what it was designed for.
You're right it must be a territorial thing, but what idea lies behind, we mere humans can't always grasp. But it's certainly done on the basis of some reasoning. 😉

Nov 04, 2009
Charlie and Binnie
by: Ruth aka Kattaddorra

Well done Charlie for your contributions of sh**
Binnie is gorgeous, she looks very like our Jozef,I'd post our boyz photos but I don't know how to do it ! Poor old techno dinosaur that I am.

Nov 04, 2009
An Anouncement
by: Michael

Formal Anouncement

Charlie is going to the loo just fine....Phew. He is eating well. I have never felt happier at seeing sh***!

He has a bit of ringworm at the base of his tail.

Nov 04, 2009
Thanks and Update
by: Michael

Thanks Ruth for your kind words. Binnie my girl cat has on occasion retired to her litter I guess because of the invasion of her territory by Charlie. It'll pass, though. I feel sorry for her. Here she is nicely tucked up in her litter and refusing to come out:

Binnie my girl cat lying in her litter

Nov 03, 2009
To Kathy
by: Ruth aka Kattaddorra

I know exactly how you feel Kathy, it's 15 years this month since my mother died and I still get depressed at times and miss her and long to talk to her.
I'm lucky in that I have faith she is in a wonderful place, I often dream of her surrounded by cats as that was her idea of Heaven.
Take care, I hope you feel better soon, remember depression does pass eventually !

Nov 03, 2009
by: Ruth aka Kattaddorra

You are funny Michael ha ha an expert on sh**
I wouldn't worry as long as Charlie is eating OK,different cats have different toilet habits, just like we do.
I'm thinking about you missing your mother,you think 'I must tell her so and so' and then remember you can't any more.
Only time can help.

Nov 03, 2009
by: Michael

Thanks a lot Kathy and Ruth. Yup, I quite fancied working in a cattery but now I am living in one!

Charlie is settling in. I have one worry. He is not going to the toilet enough, I think. Or at least not enough compared to my girl cat who is extremely regular. I have provided an oversized cat litter (in my bedroom!) and he eats OK albeit a little lightly.

I am an expert on sh....

Nov 02, 2009
by: kathy

I am so sorry to hear about yur mother. MY mother passed away back in 1999. But I still feel the pain of her being gone. In fact I am going through a bit of depression right now because of it. I used to have an old saying, "Whats one more?" That was always my justification for taking in "one more". But now I have to be grateful for getting my cat back. Nothing will ever take the place of your mother.

Nov 01, 2009
Living in a cattery
by: Ruth aka Kattaddorra

Oh dear ! You poor thing ha ha living in a cattery ! At times we do feel like we live and breath nothing but cats !
I hope things calm down for you soon.

Nov 01, 2009
Big thanks
by: Michael

Hi C. Kennie and Barbara,

Thank you very much for your kind thoughts. They are very much appreciated.

Charlie is settling in nicely but I know it takes time so I am patient.

We had a slight accident. Timmy is a stray unneutered male that I feed and house for a few hours from time to time and Charlie happened to walk over Timmy's bed!

Yes, Timmy sprayed it although I didn't know 'til I sat down to breakfast this morning!

I am in the middle of a turf war...and living in a cattery.

Oct 31, 2009
Good for you
by: C. Kennie

I am very sorry that your Mum died. It is a very hard time for all involved. Charlie will be trying to comfort you now when you both need it so much. Cats are attuned to our moods and will comfort us with snuggles, kisses and sitting on or near us.

My Siamese cat used to bite my foot if I came home in a bad mood. Then I would chase her and she would end up placing herself upside down on a corner of the sofa. Shw would have her wee head pushed into the corner. She knew that I would be happy "mock casing" her and I would be laughing at her position on the sofa. It worked for her every time. She always knew what mood I was in and your Charlie sounds the same.

I am happy that you both can be there to comfort one another. Your Mum will be happy also.

Oct 31, 2009
by: Barbara

Michael I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of your mother, also sorry for Charlie, but I'm glad you have taken him home and I'm sure your mother will rest easy knowing you can help each other through your bereavement. Things will settle down, just take it a day at a time.

Oct 31, 2009
by: Micheal

Thanks a lot Ruth and Finn for your support. Yesterday was a hard day (the funeral) but some laughter too. The day went off well and she would have been pleased.

Charlie is settling in. He is losing a bit of weight...good news for his mobility. He is quite clingy and talkative. I am thankful that, in fact, he knows how to use a cat litter, so all is well.

I just have to find his favorite food other than Marks & Spencer finest chicken breast sliced and diced! My mother liked to spoil him a bit.

Oct 31, 2009
by: Ruth aka Kattaddorra

Michael I am so very sorry about your mother and I do admire you for taking in Charlie even though you really had 'no room at the Inn'
One thing for sure, your mother is Resting in Peace knowing her precious boy Charlie is with you.He is sure to be grieving too and finding it hard to adjust to sharing a home with other cats but it will work out with time.
We took in my brother in law's cat when he died, making 5 cats as we had our late mother's cat,2 of our own and also one who decided to live with us rather than our neighbour, things were tense for a while but eventually peace reigned. Sadly we now only have 2 cats and sometimes wonder how we lived through so many bereavements, but we did.
You obviously inherited your mother's love and compassion for cats,she gave you a wonderful gift in that !
Take care.Only time can help.

Oct 31, 2009
The right thing to do and also a good choice
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Michael.
I think you have taken the right decision - and also made a good choice for all involved.
Your mother no doubt would have appreciated it, although she mayby never got around to asking you. Charlie didn't have to wait in a shelter and maybe risk never finding a new home. He got it right away with a caring and understanding person, who even has a scent that somehow brings back memories with him. And you have kept a connection back to your own roots - and that's important for all of us.
The only one I'm as bit worried for is your old Binnie. Although she is used to having the stray cats you're feeding around, she will know that this is different.
She will eventually get used to the new situation, but with an old cat like her it may take many months. You'll have to give her a lot of extra attention to let her know, she is not forgotten.
To my experience the best way for cats to get to accept each other are around the meals. Serve them an extra treat from each side of a big dinner plate and they can't avoid touching each other a little when eating it.
We use canned tuna mixed with a little low-fat Crème fraîche (or Fromage frais, quark) for this very special occasion. Well, at least it was special at first, but over time it has turned into a daily occurrence and the cats remind us if we forget about is...
Good luck to you and the cats. I'm sure after some time even Binnie will enjoy the change in circumstances. 🙂

9 thoughts on “Three Legged Cat”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Thanks Mayen. Charlie is still with me. He is a great cat. However, he does has obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). He over grooms. And scratches too much. He has no fleas at all. Anyway thanks for the comment.

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