Three Legged Dwarf Cat

Three Legged Dwarf Cat

Francis - My pride and joy

Francis - My pride and joy

I live with a dwarf cat and accept him for who he is. His name is Francis. Francis is a beautiful cat with only three legs due to a tragic scooter accident on our way to the state fair. But his health is sustainable other than his three legs and his dwarf-like figure. Francis is a happy boy.

Hi, I'm Michael. It would be nice if you could tell us more about Francis. I don't want to overly dwell on it but what happened with the accident? How does he cope? Cats are very resourceful and can usual cope fine with three legs even if they are shorter than normal.

It would be nice to hear from you again. Go on...leave a comment! He looks a very content cat as you say.

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Three Legged Dwarf Cat

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Nov 17, 2009
This was you...
by: Sylvia Ann Street

You know.. I think you were driving in front of me on my way to the state fair. I was a bit down the road but when I looked far ahead I saw a cat perched on a person's shoulder and found that amusing. Then the scooter they were riding on stopped suddenly and both cat and owner flew in the air and landed a few feet away. All I heard were the shrill cries of an animal in pain. I am sorry I did not stop but I did not think that anyone was injured badly. My pumpkin came in second; however, I am glad I lost to you that way you could pay for Francis' surgery. I hope all is well, and I hope to see you at the state fair next year. Watch out... my pumpkins were huge this season.

Oct 13, 2009
horny cat
by: concerned aunt

how does franny make love with three legs?

Sep 16, 2009
Re: My Love Francis
by: D'Wana Johnson

While on the way to showcase our prized pumpkin at the state fair, Francis was perched on my shoulder as always, while riding our motorized scooter. We were driving and saw a stray cat on the road. It was all downhill from there. With my cat-like instincts intact, I swiftly slammed on my brakes causing both Francis and I to fly off the motorized scooter, and I landed on top of him and the intense weight of my body fell on top of Francis, causing him excruciating pain. I won't go into any more detail because it gets very graphic after that. Thank the good Lord up above for our prized pumpkin winning the contest because it payed for Francis' surgery, which was very expensive. I would do anything for my little Francis, but thank goodness Dr. Barb, without her I don't know if Franci-Poo would be alive! God is Love, The Neigborhood Cat Feeder

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