by Murray Gorringe
(Ashburton, New Zealand)

Don't Disturb Me

Lazy hot sunny day

We have a female cat who is as bad as a 2 - 4 year old child.
I will talk to you, answer you back when I disagree, storm off in a huff when I cannot get my way, run around at full speed, and most of all remind you over and over again when you forget 2 do something for me.
I will grab Dads chair and sit there. Too bad if he wants to work, but I can GREASE UP PEOPLE better than anybody else.
Chocolate Tiffany Cat
I'm pretty sure this little girl is a Tiffany cat. She has the same characteristics of one. She's really soft, likes affection, has lighter shades in her fur, and has deep yellow eyes.
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My Loyal Cat
I have three cats in my house first is namely Toby (Traditional Bicolor Persian) then Nicko (a white Turkish Angora) and lastly Nicole which i thought to be a traditional black smoked persian or a black angora cat but from what i have seen and read about tiffany cat, I think Nicole fits in with the tiffany cat, well certainly not sure of it... but among the three cats in my house Nicole was kinda different in terms of characteristics, she enjoys being groomed and she has the cleanest,softest and smoothest fur among the them...she has this strong affinity to one person, she tends to follow me where ever i go and don't want to mingle with the other cats in the house or even other people in the house..kinda weird for me.. but it is for this reason why Nicole is my favorite cat in the house