Aww, Kitteh!

Aww, Kitteh!

by Rick
(Northern Virginia)

Buddy Cat

Buddy Cat

We got three cats here, one big yellow Tom (Buddy), one Himmalayan Tom (Sonny), and one roundish black-n-white female (Athena).

Biggest cat I ever had was a Himmalayan/mutt mix named Snickers, he was about fifteen or sixteen pounds & lots of hair, he looked like a big chocolate-brown fuzzball.

Sadly, he's no longer padding around on Mother Earth. I don't have any pix of him. Here's a pic of Buddy Cat.

Passed Out

by Kevin
(Mobile, AL)

Rare moment

Rare moment


My F2 Evita "V"

by Kevin
(Mobile, AL)

1.5 years old here

1.5 years old here

I got this guy when she was a few months old. Biggest handful i have ever had with a pet, but the most entertaining too. Anything breakable, gets broken. However, this is the most loyalty i have ever experienced with a pet.

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