Tiffany Cat??

by Brink



I was browsing your site and ran across the Tiffany Cats and was shocked to see one that resembles my cat, Balboa. He became my housemate after I moved into a new home and left my other cat with my mother. On Christmas Eve of 2007 I decided to walk to the barn across the road from my house to find a cat because I was lonely and just missed having a pet around.

There were about 5 kittens running about but I based my decision on that he ran up to me and then ran right up the front of my pant leg. Here's a photo of him, let me know if you think he's a Tiffany or not. Thanks


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Tiffany Cat??

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Jan 15, 2010
Possible Tiffany Cats
by: Michael

As this breed was developed from random bred cats it is likely that some random bred cats that look like purebred Tiffanies have a lot of the genes that make up a Tiffany in them.

Your cat is possible very similar (possibly even genetically) to a purebred Tiffany but Pickles is strictly speaking not a Tiffany as there is no certification to prove pedigree which is necessary to say that a cat is a purebred cat.

Michael Avatar

Jan 15, 2010
I Think My Cat Is A Tiffany!!!!
by: Amy (Devon, UK)

Possible Tiffany Cat

I thought that she was a cross between a Siamese (as she is very vocal) and a long haired cat such as the Maine Coon, but I saw the picture of Arthur on this page and he looks EXACTLY like my cat Pickle!

My cat is very vocal, she has deep gold eyes, a chocolate brown coat which looks almost black on dreary days but on sunny days it looks chocolaty.

She's beautiful!:D


Oct 05, 2009
Tiffany cat ?
by: Arleene Gutierrez from Wilmington, Delaware

Hello my name is Arleene I was browsing through your website to see if I can figure out the breed of my cat and I came across the Tiffany cat that resembles my cat to the "T". His name is Sunny. lol even though he's chocolate.

Here is Sunny:

tiffan cat perhaps

Aug 14, 2009
by: kahty

beautiful cat he looks just like my midnight, i rescued her last month. i swear she has the ghost of my old cat midnight in her and god brought her back to me. i thought she looked like a turkish angora. but she looks just like your cat. ive never heard of the tiffany cat.

Aug 13, 2009
"Tiffany Cats"
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

Hypnotically beautiful.

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