Tiffany Kitten?

by Ricardo Delgado

I have a cat which I found 7 months ago, and it looks very much like the Tiffany breed. I would like to know if someone has got a picture of what a kitten looks like, because I have searched on the internet without finding any.

Do any of you know how I can put myself in contact with La Petra? And just before someone here tells me that my cat is not of any breed because it does not have papers, I am fully aware of that, I just want to know if by looking at my cat you maybe can determine that she might fit into the breed profile.


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Tiffany Kitten?

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Feb 20, 2012
Nope NEW
by: Anonymous

Sorry I dont think your cat is a Tiffany just because it's not fluffy and it's face I will look into what your cat could be

Jul 05, 2011
Another picture
by: Ricardo Delgado

Hello to all: I have here another picture of my year old kitten, which I could not upload in my last comment. Here she is relaxing... she's still a year more to grow as I have read that this cats take a while to reach full maturity.

Ricardo Delgado

Tiffany cat

Jan 29, 2011
tiffany kitten?
by: Ricardo

I know what you mean by that Michael, eventhough I know the picture I posted was not a good one since it was taken from my cellphone and it was 2 months ago. My kitten is 7 months old now, has got a plumie tail and she's redish now. I know that cats tend to change as they grow. I also have a black and white cat who looked to be short haired and now at a year and a half old, she is a nice semi-longair cat without a plumie tail. now back to my kitten, is there a way to post more pictures on this page?



Jan 29, 2011
Nice to hear from Colombia
by: Michael

Hi Ricardo. It is nice to hear from Colombia. Thank you for sharing.

It is almost impossible, I feel, to assess a cat's parentage/pedigree simply by looking at picture of the cat on the internet. Sometimes it is pretty obvious under certain circumstances that a cat is a purebred of a certain breed but for found or rescued cats, the default assessment (the assessment that we are initially forced to make) is that the cat is a random bred cat.

Your cat looks to be a shorthaired cat, while the Tiffany is semi-longhaired. The original Tiffany colour is chocolate as you know and it seems that your handsome cat is black but black Tiffanies are a new colour.

Conclusion?: I would presume that your cat is a really nice looking random bred cat but who am I to say!

You might have seen: What Breed Is My Cat?

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