Tiger Woods Yacht

Tiger Woods Yacht - photo Duncan Rawlinson

Tiger Woods Yacht - photo Duncan Rawlinson

Tiger Woods yacht is something people are interested in. I have covered Tiger Woods house and Tiger Woods Swedish Girlfriend. What next? And why on a cat website!! Well, it’s simple. There is the word tiger in the name and I am doing a series of posts on names with the name of cats in them. And I have got to start at the top. Plus this is a well sought after subject - so here goes.

As the heading picture shows (published under a Attribution 2.0 Generic, Creative Commons license – photo by thelastminute) the yacht it called “Privacy” because above all else Tiger likes his privacy and recently (December 2009) this is the last thing he has retained because of the auto crash outside his home in the Isleworth Community and his alleged extra-marital affairs causing great distress to his wife and former Swedish girlfriend Elin.

The photographer is Duncan Rawlinson. He has a blog. He says this about Tiger Woods yacht:

The 6,500-square-foot yacht has a master suite and six staterooms. It is decorated in dark cherry wood and beige marble, with leather-upholstered furniture, white carpeting and walls covered in white silk. It has a theater projection system, a gym and an eight-person Jacuzzi. It can sleep 21.

Thanks Duncan. Where did this information come from? Please drop by.

Apparently it was built at Christensen Shipyards. It is a 155 Trideck Motor Yacht. The 155 says it is 155 feet in length. It was called Hull 026 while being built. Tiger left his wife to supervise the construction, never visiting the ship yard, we are told. The yacht was built under the ship yard’s Advanced Production Series scheme.

Here is an interior shot:

tiger woods yacht interior photo

This may be a standard interior for the 155 Trideck Motor Yacht provided by Christensen Shipyards, I don’t know but it shows a very luxurious lounge.

It cost about $20 million and delivery is about one year. By comparison, Greg Norman’s “Aussie Rules” yacht cost $70 million (at cost price). Greg’s yacht is more luxuriously appointed and larger but not substantially larger.

Here is another picture by Duncan Rawlinson of Tiger Woods yacht:

tiger woods yacht privacy stern view

Tiger likes to spend time on his yacht probably because it is private. He can really get away from the paparazzi and journalists. He likes to scuba dive from the yacht apparently and has become proficient. Tiger Woods and his wife spent their 2004 wedding night on the 155 foot yacht.

Tiger Woods Yacht to Home Page

Associated Pages:

Tiger Woods House
Tiger Woods Swedish Girlfriend

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Tiger Woods Yacht

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Jan 15, 2010 I have seen photos of the boat inside, from a guest
by: SwiftyKnows

The boat has an entrance carpet and floor wood emblem designed to show TW initials. Other than that I cant tell you or show you the rest of photos as they are sworn to secrecy. Sorry about that. But suffice to say it looks a lot like many of the other large yachts owned by similarly wealthy people.

Jan 15, 2010 I have seen photos of the boat inside, from a guest
by: SwiftyKnows

The boat has an entrance carpet and floor wood emblem designed to show TW initials. Other than that I cant tell you or show you the rest of photos as they are sworn to secrecy. Sorry about that. But suffice to say it looks a lot like many of the other large yachts owned by similarly wealthy people.

Jan 04, 2010 Sorry Guys...
by: Yacht Builder

I actually worked on this boat. The yard takes thousands of pictures of each boat. However, all picture of Hull 26 were removed from the system after the lawsuit. Not allowed to talk about this boat. Also, all employees are given t-shirts when a boat is completed. We were told not to wear theses shirts with 'Privacy' printed on them.

Dec 21, 2009 Me too
by: Michael

Yes, I would like to see more pics of the actual interior but I'd bet that there are none in circulation because it is called "Privacy"!

I reckon I could search for an entire day on the internet without success. The only way is with insider knowledge, someone from the shipyard to leak something... Where is that person?

Dec 19, 2009 MORE
by: BILL


Dec 12, 2009 More time on yacht
by: Anonymous

I have heard that after the madness of the past couple of weeks (Dec 2009) Tiger intends to quit golf for a while or cut back and spend more time on the yacht with his wife Elin to rebuild his marriage. Elin is sticking by him it seems. But things change...

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