Time To Renew The Persian Cat
by Michael
(London, UK)
1900s Persian - completely different and normal cat appearance.
This is a short post about the Persian cat. I am in a big rush, about to go to the USA.
The Persian is (or was) the most registered cat with the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA).
Yet according to the poll of most popular purebred cats on this site that has been running for 2.5 years and which has collected 3,043 unique votes, the Persian is ranked 6th. Not bad but this fine cat was once top of the pile.
On the basis that the poll is fairly representative, what happened? Has the Persian's popularity waned? I think that it has.
It has waned because it has been bred too extreme. Mainstream cat caretakers prefer more natural looking cats. Firstly they look better to the majority of people (and the other poll on PoC confirms that) and secondly the naturalness translates to better health, two vital attributes.
So it is time to raise the Persian cat up to its former glory as the most popular cat. It is time to renew the Persian cat and breed it back to a less extreme and more healthy appearance.
I do hope that this can be achieved. There is compelling evidence to suggest that this is the best way forward.
Come on Persian cat breeders! Lets see it happen.