Timeline of the Cat | PoC

Timeline of the Cat | PoC.

Please click on the above link to see a cat timeline. This is a cross-post from a page on this site to blog post. “Pages” don’t come up as a blog so the page is not relayed to subscribers whereas this post will be.

I wanted to cross-post because I think the timeline of the cat which I have created has some value. I don’t think there is a better one on the internet.

When doing a cat timeline you have to be selective. Which events does one select?

I have made an eclectic selection covering both the wild and domestic cats while adding it a bit of literature and superstition while focusing mainly on the last 300 years or so because people are generally more interested in recent history, I believe.

Also, the majority of people prefer information about the domestic cat and the time frame of the domestic cat set against the overall history of the cat is short.

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