Tiny calico rescued kitten bewitches man who didn’t want to hold her

Five kittens were found on a golf course. The mother was nowhere to be seen. A woman rescued them. She brought them home. Her father was disinterested. He was not keen. They already had a tabby cat feline companion. He was asked to hold the kitten and he replied, “No, I don’t want to hold a kitten”.

The next thing we know is what you see in the photograph below.

Tiny kitten bewitches man who did not want her
Tiny rescue kitten bewitches man who did not want her

And then not long after that the relationship developed into one of unconditional mutual love.

Tiny rescue kitten bewitches man who did not want her
Tiny rescue kitten bewitches man who did not want her

They have named the cat Birdie. They have adopted her. She is now three months old. She is the most loving cat and they can’t let her go. Check mate, mate.

Source: Reddit via One Green Planet.

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