To My Wonderful Godfather Michael

To My Wonderful Godfather Michael

by Furby Salmons
(Hodges, SC)

It's ME! Furby!

It's ME! Furby!

It's ME! Furby! I'm so happy! Do I look goofy?

Hi Godfather Michael! It's Furby! I'm sorry I've been away from the puter but mama won't give it to me very often these days. I made the bad mistake of smarting off to her. I'll tell you what-be careful what you say to a woman. Whew! Anyhow, we made an arrangement for me to go back to writing my stories. In exchange for that mama's gonna buy me some fresh green catnip. I'm tired of the dried kind.

Mama doesn't know it, but I have catnip parties while she's at work. Not often. Just once a week. I'm a responsible party giver. If any of my cat friends are too tired to prowl home then I let them stay the night. I'm a good kitty. Really I am.

Godfather Michael, I'm still your favorite cat named Furby - right? I want you to do something for me. I want my own thingy on the left side of your page like you made mama. Where people can see my name and click on it and find ALL of my stories. Just remember F-U-R-B-Y. I even made a page on my website with links to just my stories. The trouble is mama is using that stupid looking picture she made of me. Everywhere I turn-well-there it is and it makes me nervous. If I ever looked in the mirror and saw that face I'd run!

We've had a busy time at the house lately. I've been helping run the halfway house mama named after me. Some of these poor cats are in such bad shape. Some have been declawed and some have just been thrown away by people who were supposed to love them. There are two ferals hiding around here somewhere. I'm quite sure one of them swiped my chicken gizzard yesterday morning.

Sadly, we've even had several go join my good buddy Spot on the Rainbow Bridge. Mama has done a lot of crying lately. So has Sissy Laura.

Some of the cats will be with us a long time because I won't let them go to their own family until they've been loved and aren't scared anymore. I even sleep with the kitties who are really sad. I really need to watch where I take my catnaps because I've somehow ended up with TWO wives. I'll write that story next. Teeheehee.

Anyway, I've decided I need to be famous so I can beat up on the vets here who still declaw. I want my name to strike fear in those butchers. If I ever go to a declawing vet's office, he'd better get under the exam table and hope I don't stick something up HIS butt. And if he sticks his hand out to see if I'm still there, I'm a gonna cut off half his fingers like he does to those poor kitties.

Excuse me everybody, I get a little hot on that subject.

Mama has been really good to me and we've gotten a lot done on my website. Take a look at it when you get the chance. And I'm still on Facebook under Furby the Feral. Mama has this really stupid picture of me on there and she won't take it down until 5000 people LIKE my page. She sneakerdoodled me on that one.

So can I have my name on the side of the page like mama? Please, please, pretty please with catnip on top! Ask my friends on Ladies and gentlemen of the cat world, do you want me to start writing again? I have LOTS of new adventures to tell everybody about. Mama doesn't even know about most of them and PLEASE don't tell her.


P.S. Here's my website. Um..promise not to look at the Imikimi pages.

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To My Wonderful Godfather Michael

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Aug 09, 2011
I have my site now!
by: Furby

I have my own site - The Diary of a Cat - a subdomain of PoC. PLease become a follower

Aug 06, 2011
hi furby!
by: sharmistha

Aren't you just adorable :)))
Michael we look forward to the pages.

Aug 05, 2011
Work on it
by: Michael

Hi Furby. I'll work on that and get back. The title should be something that people search for or close to it.

Aug 05, 2011
How About
by: Furby

The Diary of a Rescuer's Cat. I like that MUCH better. We gotta leave mama out of this. If she knew half of what I did while she's at work she'd put me in a kennel before she left every night. Teeheehee.

Aug 05, 2011
You know I love you
by: Michael

Hi Furby. Mr Man. I'll consider the suggestion. You are buttering me up, I think.

How about this for an idea. I'll create a subdomain of PoC exclusively for you.

Subdomains are effective. I have several. Here is an example on the Siamese Cat. Or the Maine Coon. My blog site is a subdomain too.

What might be nice is this. If your mama is going to go on rescuing cats for sometime I could build a website subdomain that is called The Diary of A Cat Rescuer. The author will be Furby. You can add pages just by emailing them to the blog. It takes seconds and is so much easier.

The rescue operation would be through your eyes and it would be interesting I think and instructional. I would include your website in search results too.

What do you think?

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