Tobby is a good reason why some people must declaw

Tobby is a good reason why some people must declaw

We took in a cat that was to be put to sleep. He was a terror to the house. No curtain or piece of furniture was untouched.

We tried the nail covers and many more ideas to not declaw but it came down to return him to die or declaw.

We choose the latter and he is a wonderful pet.

He now plays can be near the kids. He stays inside and shows no interest in going out.

Tobby in my mind is a good reason why some people must declaw.

Also be aware if your delcawed cat must go outside they have outside cat safe large enclosures.

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Tobby is a good reason why some people must declaw

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Feb 27, 2012 Desperation NEW
by: Cat LOVER

Picking on Maggie smells of desperation to me.

What sort of people defend their right to ruin a cat’s life by the despicable mutilation misnomed declawing?
Not anyone who loves cats that’s for sure.

Feb 26, 2012 Puzzle for Kevin’s brain cell NEW
by: Mrs M

There sure is one insane and not very intelligent person around here and it’s not Maggie.

I’ll leave you to puzzle that out with your one brain cell Kevin.

Feb 26, 2012 To Kevin NEW
by: Ruth

I can vouch for Maggie and she is far from insane, in fact she is a highly intelligent, hard working, animal loving lady.
She doesn’t need different names to make her point but maybe you do because people defending the right to mutilate cats are now few and far between.
You have no right to insult her and the only reason I can think of why you should do that is because you know she is right, as are the rest of us who have researched declawing and know how cruel and unjustified it is.
It’s obvious to me you are running scared because the day declawing will be banned draws closer and you will be proved wrong !

Feb 26, 2012 To Kevin NEW
by: Maggie

Feel free to contact Michael, the administrator of this website. He can confirm who I am and where I live. He also know the names and locations of most of the other regular visitors to this site. I’ve only ever posted under this name, or, previously, with my last name too. The other people live on the other side of the world. Trust me, I wouldn’t waste my time using various identities to get a message through to someone as ignorant and close minded as you.

Feb 25, 2012 LMAO@MAGGIE NEW
by: Kevin

Do you really have to use 4 different names when posting to make it seem like a crowd. It’s obvious, you are insane and not very intelligent.

Feb 25, 2012 Like I said Maggie NEW
by: Kevin

You live in a different country, here our shelters our over crowded and the sad truth is cats are getting put to sleep left and right.

You just made my point with your 2nd paragraph, because that is the situation in my city.

I guess you people just don’t get it. While, I’m glad your country has those laws, the reality, is that mine does not and it won’t be changing anytime soon.

Feb 07, 2012 To Kevin NEW
by: Maggie

Kevin, I am about to start volunteering at the biggest cat shelter in my state. Declawing is illegal in my country. And adoptions are going so well, that cats who are taking too long to be adopted, won’t be put to sleep. The only cats who are going to be put to sleep are those who are aggressive (almost always ferals) or those who are sick beyond repair. No cats will die because of their claws. It’s not declaw or die. You’re delusional. You’re desperate for any excuse to cling onto the convenience of declawing.

Perhaps, instead of advocating declawing to prevent deaths in shelters, you should advocate desexing. Cats don’t suffer because they’ve been desexed, but cats that are not desexed do, as do their kittens, who end up in shelters and die.

The pet over population issue is the reason why cats and dogs are dying in shelters. You should change your little saying to ‘Desex or die’, because that’s the truth. Cats don’t die from not being declawed.

Feb 07, 2012 Waste of time NEW
by: Moving on

Don’t waste your time trying to educate this loser guys.
We’ll win in the end when declawing is banned.

Feb 07, 2012 Declawing KILLS cats NEW
by: Educated

Declawed cats are dying in their thousands right now!
Take a look on Petfinder and you’ll see a list of the declawed cats up for adoption but you won’t see a list of the ones caged for life as unadoptable because of their troubles from declawing.
Nor will you see a list of the number of declawed cats killed on admission to the Shelters.
There can’t be any more cats dying when declawing IS banned than there are now!
If a person will only have the goodness to take in a cat if that cat can be mutilated then that person should not have a cat.
Come on face the truth cats HAVE claws because they NEED claws.
Argue all you like…..WE KNOW that truth!

Feb 07, 2012 Declaw or death is WRONG NEW
by: Anonymous

It should NEVER be declaw or death, don’t you understand????????????
There is NO excuse to mutilate a cat!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 07, 2012 Animal Shelters & Humane Society’s NEW
by: Kevin

Just wondering, do your Animal Shelters or Humane Society’s put cats to sleep where you are from?

Are they so over crowded that they won’t even take any new cats?

Does your weather get so cold that cats often are found frozen solid?

Here in my city of less than 40,000, the answer is Yes, Yes and Yes.

So maybe, you don’t understand that aspect of our differences in where we are from and that is why you can’t understand that by taking in a cat and declawing it, is saving their life, when otherwise we would choose not to get a cat if not declawed. Again, that is our choice, we don’t have to have a cat at all. Isn’t that better than the alternative?

Feb 07, 2012 Missing the point.. NEW
by: Kevin

It is either DEATH or declaw in these situations. People have the choice to own a cat or not. Would you rather them not declaw and the cat die? Because that is what would happen in a lot of cases. Seriously what don’t you understand about that? It should not be hard to understand that when a cat is about to be put to death by the humane society or freeze, or starve to death and the only option for that cat to live is to be taken in by someone who will declaw the cat. If that is the only way some people will take in a cat then that is their choice, it is better than the cat dieing.

And as far as clawed cats not harming the declawed cats, tell that to my declawed cats who were constantly getting scratches marks all over their face, including very, very close to the eye several times. What about the my cats who lived here for years and now feel threathed and act differently because there is a new cat with claws who clearly has an advantage over them. This is not LA LA land, this is reality.

And if my cats were so unhealthy then why do they always live 15+ years like our oldest.

I have owned clawed cats and declawed cats, so I think I can speak more from experience unlike you guys who have never owned a declawed cat.

My declawed cats, run, groom, play and all the things a normal cat can do. Again, you speak as if you owned a declawed cat and you admit you have not. That is called ignorance !

When declawing is banned then I guess many cats will just die because people have the choice to own one or not and some people will choose not too. And yes, I say owned cuz that is how it is. I wish everything was like fairy tale world but it is not. People around here who have cats or dogs are considered cat owners and dog owners.

I completely understand the compassion you guys have and I consider my self to be quite similar and not just in the case of cats. But you have to understand that this is better than death, if you can’t do that, then shame on you. I can see your guys views as being the rule, but there are exceptions to every rule.

Feb 07, 2012 Missing the point.. NEW
by: Kevin

It is either DEATH or declaw in these situations. People have the choice to own a cat or not. Would you rather them not declaw and the cat die? Because that is what would happen in a lot of cases. Seriously what don’t you understand about that? It should not be hard to understand that when a cat is about to be put to death by the humane society or freeze, or starve to death and the only option for that cat to live is to be taken in by someone who will declaw the cat. If that is the only way some people will take in a cat then that is their choice, it is better than the cat dieing.

And as far as clawed cats not harming the declawed cats, tell that to my declawed cats who were constantly getting scratches marks all over their face, including very, very close to the eye several times. What about the my cats who lived here for years and now feel threathed and act differently because there is a new cat with claws who clearly has an advantage over them. This is not LA LA land, this is reality.

And if my cats were so unhealthy then why do they always live 15+ years like our oldest.

I have owned clawed cats and declawed cats, so I think I can speak more from experience unlike you guys who have never owned a declawed cat.

My declawed cats, run, groom, play and all the things a normal cat can do. Again, you speak as if you owned a declawed cat and you admit you have not. That is called ignorance !

When declawing is banned then I guess many cats will just die because people have the choice to own one or not and some people will choose not too. And yes, I say owned cuz that is how it is. I wish everything was like fairy tale world but it is not. People around here who have cats or dogs are considered cat owners and dog owners.

I completely understand the compassion you guys have and I consider my self to be quite similar and not just in the case of cats. But you have to understand that this is better than death, if you can’t do that, then shame on you. I can see your guys views as being the rule, but there are exceptions to every rule.

Jan 28, 2012 To ignorant Kevin
by: Mrs M

No of course none of us have ‘owned’ a declawed cat.

Firstly because we don’t ‘own’ cats,they are NOT possessions,they are living creatures.
Secondly because we would never do anything so cruel as taking away a cat’s ten ESSENTIAL toe ends.
Are you sure your cats are as happy as you think? Do you check their stumps for problems?Are they hiding arthritic pains?
You obviously don’t know cats use their claws for many things,balancing,walking,grooming,playing,to name a few.
You have deliberately maimed a poor cat who sounds as if he’s had a bad enough time already and you have the nerve to call us ignorant!

What will you do WHEN declawing is banned? It won’t be long then you’ll need to decide if you really do love cats.

Jan 28, 2012 Ignorance
by: Barbara

Kevin it is you who is ignorant, had you bothered to get on the Internet and research you could so easily have learned that clawed and declawed cats can live safely and happily together, and that teeth can do much more serious damage than claws. The good you did by taking in 2 already declawed cats is now outweighed by your calculated cruelty in declawing an already traumatised cat. Shame on you, don’t come on here and call us ignorant, look nearer to home for that.

Barbara avatar

Jan 28, 2012 Why declaw or death ?
by: Ruth

I’ll tell you what we do NOT understand Kevin and that is why it has to be declaw or death with people like you.
We don’t declaw cats in our country, we never have and we live perfectly happily with our cats with the claws they need to be healthy and happy.
We KNOW they need to scratch and we provide scratching posts and pads.
I can’t believe you took in that poor stray one eyed cat and then put him through the cruellest surgery there is, as if he hadn’t suffered enough.
Ask anyone in the 39 countries where declawing is banned what they think of it, you’ll find they react in shock and horror that mutilating cats this way is almost routine in some civilised countries, namely the USA and Canada.
Taking in an already declawed cat is an act of kindness, taking in a clawed one and having him declawed too is not. Clawed cats know that declawed cats are disabled, there are many people with both.
Sorry but there is NO justification for amputating cats toe ends and I think it’s you who doesn’t understand exactly what declawing means.
Declawed cats adjust to life without their toe ends, suicide isn’t an option for them so they have no choice, but their caretakers have a choice and sadly people like YOU choose wrongly !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jan 27, 2012 Do you guys not understand..
by: Kevin

That this cat would of died it if had not been declawed. Nobody else was going to save this cat and if the only person who was willing to save it was going to declaw it, then so be it. This person could of chosen not to get a cat at all and this cat would be dead.

I live in American and it is pretty common. Yes, I agree with it being cruel. In my case, I took a cat that was about to be put to sleep and it was already declawed. That was over 14 years ago and the cat is still living and loving life. I also took another cat in that was the same situation over 4 years ago and he is the most loving cat I ever had. Then just a few months ago we had a stray outside that we started feeding, it also had one eye. Where I live it gets very cold and it’s not uncommon to see cats froze to death. So we took this cat in as well, but it had claws. We felt it necessary to have it declawed because we didn’t want it hurting our other two cats or make them feel threatened in their own home. It was that or watch the poor cat freeze to death. we even tried to find a home for it for months in every way possible with no luck.

I think it’s ignorance to say we aren’t compassionate people. And have any of you ever owned a cat who was declawed? Prolly not !!Let me tell you they are just as loving and happy as any other cat.

Feb 15, 2011 Leah
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Leah, I said “polite” – I didn’t say ‘nice.’ Keep in mind, I may feel the exact same way as you, but we must choose how to fight our battles. It is useless to be over-the-top crazy to these people and end up getting arrested! If that were the case, we would come across as loons and have a criminal record as well. That certainly doesn’t help our cause.

Being polite, yet very firm, there is no way that even if the vets called the authorities I would NOT be arrested. The vet office clients would testify on my behalf that I was not out of line, nor disruptive, no screaming, no physical assault… Get it?

Trust me, I don’t mince words at all. Remember the saying: “Walk softly and carry a big stick!” Well, our words can do that too in this scenario.

An organized protest is entirely different; however, even that must remain relatively peaceful in order to get our point across. We cannot go physically assaulting people, albeit wanting to very much. As Ruth said, if all anti-declaws do our part, the vets would be changing their tune once the public understands just what is at stake and there would be less chance of our feline friends being mutilated.

Feb 14, 2011 All very well
by: Leah (England)

Its all very well trying to be polite but when I first found out about declawing I seriously could have happily inflicted immense pain on a declawing vet had they been placed in front of me and I still feel the same now.

And yes if someone is so stupid and callous to want to mutilate a cat whom they profess to love then they deserve everything they get with no holds barred!! To my mind declawing is just evil premeditated abuse so if some abuse back is a bit too much for some to take then tough!

Anyway what does it matter? Afterall we’re not talking about sensitive animal lovers here are we? No, we are talking about people who lack any sort of understanding or compassion, the sort of person who cares nothing for what’s best for the cat only whats good for their mauling kids and precious furniture.

So I personally make no apologies for my behaviour because I just don’t care about these people I only care about cats.

Feb 14, 2011 Good for you Gail
by: Ruth

How I admire you for doing that ! It’s just what I would do too if I lived there.
If only other anti declaws would do the same, those corrupt vets would soon be running scared.
It’s even better than phoning if you can make your point in a full waiting room.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Feb 14, 2011 Concerted Effort wth Vets
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

I’ve found one of the best ways to bring issues like this “dirty secret” out in the open is to do it when the PAYING PUBLIC is at hand to HEAR what goes on.

Over the years, I have intentionally gone to different vets as a ‘new’ customer when the lobby is full of people and politely, but loud enough to be heard, inquire as to whether or not they declaw cats. If they say ‘yes’ I then go into a polite, but firm Q&A and ask why. Literature is with me for the vets and anyone in the lobby who wants to know why it is mutilation.

Have I been thrown out? More times than not, but the point is made. Is this deceitful? You bet! It still gets the point across as to how deceitful these murderous vets are to their clients.

If waiting customers want more info, I either give it to them, or give them a business card I designed myself with the various web pages regarding declawing and encourage them to look it up.

Feb 14, 2011 Anger
by: Ruth

I know how you feel Mrs Mottram because when I first found out declawing was happening routinely in the USA including to little kittens, I felt violently angry.
I still do at times because try as I might I can’t think anyone who loves cats can condone it.
To even consider taking their claws (let alone their toe ends) makes me shake with the horror of it.
There was only one time a client asked me at the vets I worked for if she could have her cat declawed (before it was banned here) If the vet had agreed I’d have walked out of my job taking that cat with me. As you said, it’s unspeakably cruel !
Thankfully UK vets have never declawed cats.
You are right Michael, the language on PoC is mild in comparison with some other sites and if nice doesn’t work we are entitled to tell those pro declaw idiots what we think of them.
The only thing I don’t like is when those on the same side start back biting, we each need to deal with what we are doing in our own way. No one is right and no one is wrong.
Anti declaws need to stick together in a united front.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Feb 14, 2011 I do not believe this
by: Mrs Mottram

How unspeakably cruel to take a cats claws from it surgically.

I have never heard of this until now and I can’t express the hatred I feel for any person who has this done to their beautiful animal.
I feel murderous toward them.

As for the doctors who do this surgery it has shown me a whole new side to the veterinary profession and the governing body over them.
This cruelty must stop.

I don’t think anyone using bad language about those who do it can be blamed for their passion.
There are no nice words to use for the despicable monsters who have anything at all to do with declawing.

Feb 14, 2011 My Say!
by: Michae

Without wishing to sound soft or conciliatory, I appreciate and respect all the opinions expressed in the comments.

I think that there is a place for all of them. We need passion and, yes, anger. Anger drives us. Controlled and managed anger is good and natural.

There is also a place for science and tightly reasoned argument. But at the moment the science has let us down because vets use the imprecision or lack of conclusiveness of current studies to their advantage – Need For A Definitive Joint Report.

Personally, I don’t think the people who have made comments are being *that* rude in the context that these are online comments about a very emotive subject. Calling a person an “idiot” or “lazy” is relatively mild compared to most forums judging by my travels on the internet.

And there is no rude language. Many forums include a good amount of rude “F” language – YouTube comments are one example.

We should not worry to much about disagreeing on these “fringe” issues.

We are bound together by our hatred of declawing and cruelty to animals. That accounts for 95% of what we do and think as a group. How to fine tune the expression of that opinion is important but not critical.

I want to thank everyone for commenting. It helps the page get seen and that in turn helps stop declawing.

Finally, my life experiences have taught me that if you want someone to do something that they should be doing but don’t want to do, you ask them politely first.

If they continue to not do the right thing, you make a firm demand. If they still fail to act, you have to push them as hard as you legally can without compromise and fearlessly. As I say, you have to “pin them down” because these vets are slippery wrigglers.

Michael Avatar

Jan 21, 2011 PLEASE STOP THIS !!!
by: Ruth

We all want the same thing, to stop this pre-meditated and cruel abuse of cats, so let’s get on with the job without back biting, it’s horrible !!!

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jan 21, 2011 Face facts
by: Voice of reason

Let us face facts.
Declawing is not going to be banned by the voting public for a long time yet…..if ever.
Your finesse is wasted on the people who need shaming to convince them that amputating toes is inhumane.
They deserve a few home truths.
If it takes shaming them to look at their conscience to stop them doing it then so be it.
The declaw vet,all his or her staff,and the owner of the cat must share the blame for the continuing of this legalised cruelty.

Jan 21, 2011 Do it your way
by: No time for cruel people

Not a very wise move to air your views on a page for pro-declaws to read with glee that there is discord amongst anti-declaws.
You blame the veterinary staff entirely but anyone with half a brain who calls themself a lover of cats can surely realise how cruel it is to take their claws!
Is it you used to work for declaw vets?
You must have assisted even though you knew it was wrong.
Do it your own way if you like but don’t preach to us!
In our country mutilating a cat that way is unthinkable even to those of us like me who have no veterinary knowledge.
My brain tells me it is wrong,are brains different there?

Jan 20, 2011 the reaction I expected
by: Kathleen

I was not directing my comments to anyone in particular. And please do not twist what I’ve said; I never said that we should let misinformation or slanted, inaccurate descriptions of declawing stand, and I do not let them stand when I come across them. I said that verbally abusing people will not get us anywhere and can in fact lose us ground. It is entirely possible to be very passionate about this cause and about the welfare of cats WITHOUT telling people that they should have violence done to them or that they are lower than dirt, for example. You have every right to FEEL that way, but will saying it really help the cats? Like it or not (and I *don’t*, by the way!) this is politics we are talking about when we talk about ending declawing. Sticking to the FACTS and refraining from that kind of rhetoric is not being “nice”, in my opinion; it is being mature and looking at the big picture. You can still tear these people and their arguments completely apart without resorting to the kind of language that will make people dismiss us and everything we say as the rantings of extremists. We don’t NEED to name-call when we have TRUTH on our side. I’m only saying there are more effective debating tactics, that’s all, and the immediate gratification of telling declawers exactly what you think of them may not be worth losing the ears, minds, and hearts of hundreds more who may be on the fence. I can’t tell anyone here what to say or not to say, and that’s really not what I’m trying to do. I’m only asking people to *think* about what they say. If you really, truly believe what you’re about to say is going to be effective in stopping the demand for declawing, then who am I to say it won’t? But that works both ways, and please don’t insinuate that I am not passionate about the welfare of cats simply because I try to also have some finesse and think about the long term impact of what I’m saying. Declawing won’t be ended in the U.S. by screaming (either in person or through text) at the VOTING PUBLIC that they are heartless pieces of garbage whenever they disagree with us…forgive me for pointing out what should be obvious. It will begin to end when the American people begin to understand how consistently and pervasively they have been lied to and misled by the veterinary industry that they and generations of their families before them have placed their trust in, and that is where I will continue to focus my personal efforts.

Jan 19, 2011 Pussyfooting is no good
by: Bert T

If your lecture was aimed at me Kathleen it has fallen on deaf ears.
You’ll never get a person like poor Tobby’s owner onside,re-read what they said
‘Tobby in my mind is a good reason why some people must declaw.
Also be aware if your declawed cat must go outside they have outside cat safe large enclosures’
Not only MUST some people declaw they then go on to give advice if your declawed cat MUST go outside.
As if someone who pays to have a cat declawed rather than train it to scratching boards is going to think enough of the animal to buy it an enclosure.
That’s the sort of person who expects the toeless cat to be no trouble at all.Only to sit like a stuffed cat with no enjoyment of life. A person who neither knows or cares about the cat’s feelings.
No wonder declawing has gone on so long if there are people like you pussyfooting around incase they upset cat abusers.
They would not have got away with it that long where I live.
Michael has stirred up passion and commitment all the way from England,he is making our voices heard and I say good on him.

Jan 19, 2011 Sigh?
by: Petra Stephenson

Why sigh? Exasperation because people have abused cat abusers? If you were out walking and saw someone strangling a cat, kicking a dog, whipping a horse or even beating a child would you go and smilingly present them with some facts or would you shout at them, scream at them, to stop? I know which I would do, and have done. Declawing of kittens and cats is premeditated abuse i.e planned cruelty, why should anyone have to read a gloating, cruel article and not speak their mind back to that person? And if it was wrong why would Michael, an intelligent and articulate man, allow it on his site. Furthermore I believe shouting was planned at the protest right from the inception of it, I think shouting is expected at a protest, otherwise you’re not actually protesting are you? You’re just standing around.

Jan 19, 2011 Agreed
by: Anonymous

When some one comes on and says this is a good reason why some people must declaw it gives the wrong message to anyone searching for information.

Without comments saying there is no MUST about it other lazy selfish idiots of the same ilk have carte blanche to do the same to their cat.

When someone comes boasting they’ve rescued kittens and had them declawed,without comments to say declawing is A LAST RESORT PROCEDURE that gives carte blanche to anyone getting a kitten also having it declawed.

Sorry but it’s wrong to let them spread the word that declawing is OK sometimes.
It is NOT
and if it takes telling them exactly what sort of idiots they are to get through to their pea brains then tough.

As for the protest,I won’t be there as I work and can’t get off.There’s not much point anyone standing there silent and smiling then going home.
It needs banners and chanting to get the message across.

Jan 19, 2011 Nice doesn’t work
by: Mel

OK Kathleen.So how long has this mutilation of cats been going on here?
Decades as far as I know.
How long has it been well known how it affects cats?
Long enough surely for most people to have at least heard a glimmer of the horrors of it.
Nice doesn’t work with people who deny the evidence!
What do you want us to do?
See a blog by someone singing the praises of declawing or justifying it like the person who started this?
Leaving it as it is for others to come along and read it and say well it’s not so bad then or I’m right to do it?
PoC has saved a hell of a lot of cats because some people have bothered to write blogs and to comment on others blogs so that when someone does a declaw search they get EDUCATED to the truth.
Why should we be nice to idiots who through God knows what reason want the amputating of cats toes to continue when they know it’s wrong?
I was glad when other countries joined to help the struggling few.
When Dr Hofve asked for volunteers for a data study only UK people offered,THREE of them have been doing it since last year,am I correct Barbara,Ruth,and Michele?
No I didn’t volunteer as I’m hopeless at figures but where were the rest of us?
I’m not planning on ‘acting like this’ at the demo,I have far too much respect for Michael who is the king pin of all of us and for Susan who has struggled for years without much support.
She’s the unsung heroine here and we shouldn’t forget that.
Anti declaw web sites and facebook groups are mostly down to people from other countries apart from Susan,the Paw Project,Dr Hofve and a few more key people here.
The largest petition on line started in the UK.
Do a search and see how many others have been abandoned.
I don’t think anyone should be telling anyone else what to write as long as we are getting through to people and saving more cats.
A good result is worth whichever method used.

Jan 18, 2011 sigh
by: Kathleen

Once again, I feel I must point out that there are some people who we are simply not going to be able to reach with facts, with education, or even with photos. I understand how frustrating this is, how depressing it can be, and how maddening, but once again, I feel I have to state that we are not going to help our cause or the cats by verbally abusing people who lack the emotional and spiritual awareness to understand why declawing is wrong once presented with all the facts. Some here may feel that shaming people is a good tactic; generally speaking, I disagree. I think it is at the very least a tactic that is more appropriately used against the AVMA and the veterinary establishment that pushes the procedure than against members of the general public whose support we are trying to win. I’m not saying that people like this poster shouldn’t be ashamed of themselves- I am saying that we will earn enemies for our cause rather than friends by talking to people this way, and I sincerely hope no one is planning on acting like this at the demonstration. I am also not trying to be “holier than thou”, because I myself have gotten angry in different situations and said things I later felt I shouldn’t, as well. I am only asking that people think before they post about how what they say is going to reflect on the pro-claw movement. If you heard someone you already disagree with talking to you this way, how would it make you respond to anything else they say in the future?

Jan 13, 2011 To Tobby’s abuser
by: Barbara

Are you kidding? You cannot be serious with this piffle about people who MUST declaw! You saved a cat from certain death, ok kudos for that, then you reckon the cat was a terror in the house, why didn’t you do something to redirect the behaviour that was so terrible? Did you provide scratching equipment and training how to use them? Did you distract Tobby by playing with him or did you leave it to the kids to maul him? And when it came to the choice you only saw death or mutilation for him, no compromise, finger ends off or death. Poor, poor Tobby, what an awful life he’s had so far and he’s stuck with you and your kids, or at least until you get sick of him or his stumps begin to trouble him and you can’t be bothered to care for him.
There IS no good reason for declawing, there never was and there never will be. But there is a good reason for termination before birth of brainless idiots like you!

Barbara avatar

Jan 13, 2011 The mind of an animal abuser
by: Bert T

You say “Tobby in my mind is a good reason why some people must declaw”

I’m glad you said in your mind because the only other minds it’s a good reason in are animal abusers just like you,some of whom wear white coats.

So, what more ideas did you try apart from shoving nail caps on his claws? Would you like to try to live your life with them things shoved on your finger ends?
You do exaggerate what a little cat can do with its claws.

You’ll get no sympathy here, that’s all reserved for poor crippled Tobby.

Jan 13, 2011 Rubbish
by: Jane A

If you think Tobby is a good reason why some people must declaw then I think you are a good reason why declawing must be banned.

Jan 13, 2011 Pitiful Excuse
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Has anyone noticed that the poster of this preposterous nonsense neglected to sign his/her name? He/she didn’t even use the “anonymous” tag – no, they simply chickened out altogether. I wonder why?

There aren’t any comments I to be posted differently than what is already done by our wonderful members, other than to agree with what everyone on this forum has already said.

We grew up with multiple animals – tons of cats, dogs, guinea pigs and other assorted animals simultaneously and I will guarantee you that NO CATS ever exhibited the destructive behavior you describe. Rubbish! Either you are lazy or cannot be bothered to spend a bit of money investing in the proper toys and equipment a cat needs to direct their attention away from furniture and curtains. You are a disgrace!

Some parent you are…teaching your kids that it’s OK to mutilate an animal. Let’s hope they grow up respecting animals despite you.

Jan 13, 2011 Poor Tobby
by: Rose

You are lacking that you couldn’t teach Tobby where he was allowed to scratch.
But instead of asking for advice on how to do so you took him to a vet only too eager to amputate his toe ends for blood money.
Cats don’t destroy furniture or curtains,they don’t bother them at all if they have their own furniture provided to scatch on.
I have cats along with kids and dogs and let me tell you my kids and dogs make more mess than my cats ever could.
Have your kids never drawn on the walls,you wouldn’t have had their finger ends amputated if they did,I hope ….
So now you have a crippled cat at the mercy of your kids and you tell us your story expecting us to say oh well that’s all right.
I’ve got news for you….you’ve come to the wrong place!

Jan 13, 2011 MUST ?????
by: Mel

MUST declaw,did I read that correctly?
MUST put a cat through TEN AMPUTATIONS,
I think not!
You should have got a goldfish if your furniture and curtains are so important to you.
Ah but your kids couldn’t have played with that could they,it would be safely in a tank.
People like you really do annoy me,trying to justify putting an animal through torture.
You think you saved Tobby’s life but you did not you condemned him to a living hell.

Jan 13, 2011 NO GOOD reason
by: CJ

So Tobby is a wonderful pet now is he?
More likely he’s a pet with the stuffing knocked out of him by going through this..

but you didn’t see him like that did you?
No the butcher who did it would ensure you didn’t get Tobby back until he was cleaned up and over the first pain and shock.
Well if you think furniture and curtains are so important I don’t suppose you care what he suffered and is liable to suffer for his entire life now.
Had you not heard of scratching posts?
S C R A T C H I N G posts
to S C R A T C H on because cats need to scratch to keep well.
When he’s being ‘allowed’ to play near your kids just make sure he isn’t a target of abuse now you’ve had his defence taken from him.
You should have let someone adopt him who wouldn’t have disabled him.

Jan 13, 2011 There is no good reason
by: Ruth

You say Tobby is a good reason why some people MUST declaw.
There is no MUST about it, you had poor Tobby declawed because you chose to rather than to persevere until you found the kind of scratching post or pads which he liked.
You obviously don’t know that he is now a disabled cat and prone to many physical and mental problems caused by the amputation of his toe ends. I hope you are prepared to pay for medication as he ages and painful arthritis sets into his joints, because he now can’t walk or exercise as a cat needs to.
He is a living toy for your kids, is that fair ? I just hope he doesn’t start biting if they are rough with him, because that’s the only defence he has left. If he does, then you should remember you caused it and not to return him to the shelter as a ‘bad cat’ and be killed anyway after needlessly suffering the most painful operation a cat can endure.
Of course he doesn’t want to go out, he knows he has no defence against healthy animals out there.
You saved his life only to ruin that life and force him to live it as a cripple.
In all my life I’ve never known a cat ‘tear up the house’ We are talking about a little domestic creature here and not a tiger ?
It was your failing that you couldn’t teach him where to scratch appropriately, YOUR failing but he paid the price with the amputation of his toe ends.
Well I hope you are happy now because Tobby certainly isn’t ! You’ll say he’s fine, to justify your cruelty, but he isn’t fine, cats are very stoic and he has adjusted that’s all.
Never forget you now owe him a lifetime of care, no matter what !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jan 13, 2011 Poor Tobby
by: Leah (UK)

What a terrible shame.

I’ve never heard a of a cat behaving like that before unless its a kitten and even then………I just think you are trying to justify your shocking actions.

Tobby likely doesn’t want to go out because he probably wishes he was dead after what you’ve done, except cats don’t have the option of committing suicide do they?

And why would you want to leave a cat defenceless if you have children? Here in the UK we don’t turn our cats into sad, living, breathing stuffed toys for kids to maul how does that teach them to respect animals? We know that a small timely scratch teaches a child to respect a cat.

Did you do any research before you took your poor little cat away to have his toes amputated? No probably too lazy same as too lazy to train him to use a scratching post.

One final question. Why was he going to be put to sleep? Was he a shelter cat?

Thanks for your opinion but I don’t agree.

Jan 12, 2011 Selfish idiot…
by: Maggie

That’s all you are. A selfish ignorant idiot. You don’t know anything about declawing, do you? Only that you find it convenient for yourself.

At least if he had died he wouldn’t have to spend all day everyday suffering. Yes, he is suffering, and yes cats do hide their pain and discomfort.

Did you try CAT furniture? Huh? Or was declawing cheaper than a good cat tree? You’re an idiot, and your cat has to suffer for your idiocy.

Declawing is banned in 38 countries for a reason… If you declaw here in Australia you can go to prison for animal cruelty.

Jan 12, 2011 Never
by: Michael

Thanks for sharing and having the courage to post a pro-declaw article on PoC. You will get comments that you won’t like!

I have never heard of a cat that terrorizes a house leaving “No curtain or piece of furniture was untouched.”

I think you are exaggerating. In any case, you made no effort to train Tobby to not scratch furniture etc. Why didn’t you use a cat scratching post? With patience and good cat caretaking Tobby could have been trained. Clearly you are not a good cat caretaker – quite the contrary, I am afraid to say.

Also you have mutilated a cat for the sake of a bit of furniture. Do you really think that is the right thing to do?

Your attitude is all that is wrong about declawing in the USA. Furniture is more important that a cat’s toes. And convenience is more desirable than a bit of effort. You are lazy.

Are you aware of what declawing actually is? See this article: Declawing Alternatives for information on declawing cats and why it should stop.

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