Toki the Once Orphaned Kitten.

by Megan Wass
(Newberry, MI)

I was given my Ragdoll by my 17 year old sister. One of her friends had brought him home and could not keep him.

My son was about a month old and Toki was so tiny he couln't have been more than 10 weeks old. He was so adorable I couldn't turn him away if I had to.

Once he warmed up to us he was the most playful thing you could imagine. We used a squirt gun and a stern no to teach him that Tommy was not a play thing and then we all got along just fine.

Now he's about one and a half years old and is a wonderful cat. He comes to his name and stops dead in his tracks if you tell him no. I couldn't imagine our family without him!


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Toki the Once Orphaned Kitten.

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Nov 24, 2010 He's lovely!
by: Leah (England)

Aw he's a darling! I love the way he's playing with your baby, he looks like a cuddly little bear! (The cat that is, not your boy! Although your little one is very cute too!)

So nice to hear that you've sensibly tought him to interact with your baby, so many feel that baby and cat can't get on togeather, its just such rubbish!

Anyway lovely photo, thanks for sharing!

Nov 15, 2010 Gorgeous
by: Michael

Toki looks like a really nice cat. When I see a purebred cat like Toki, I sort of fancy being a human companion to one myself! And it is nice seeing a child and a big cat enjoying each other's company. Ragdolls are one of the most popular purebred cats being 5th in the PoC poll and that includes about 70 breeds.

Thanks for sharing.

Michael Avatar

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