Tomcat Mata, a “LIONS PORTRAIT”?

Tomcat Mata, a “LIONS PORTRAIT”?

by Rudolph.A.Furtado

Tomcat Matata at 3 years of age.

Tomcat Matata at 3 years of age.

My Classmate/Ex Photo journalist Mr Leonard Aarons happened to visit Mumbai on Monday (6-2-2012) on a professional photographic assignment.

At my residence he clicked a few photos of my cats and here is a beautiful facial photo of tomcat Matata at almost 3 years of age.

All previous photos of my cats have been taken on a normal "Pentax digital camera", a workhorse of a camera, handy and convenient for a blogger/tourist.

Doesn't tomcat Matata's face resemble a miniature lion? A recent hilarious wildlife advertisement on "NAT GEO WILD" T.V for conservation of "BIG CATS" has a "Wild-Life Photographer" tracking the daily movements of a pet house cat akin to tracking a tiger or lion in a forest.

This Advertisement was a universal message that "SMALL CATS" would be the only cats left on planet earth after the extinction of "Big Wild Cats".

As for tomcat Matata, he definitely resembles a "Big Cat".


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Tomcat Mata, a "LIONS PORTRAIT"?

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Feb 11, 2012 Tomcat Matata, a "Lions Portrait". NEW
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

The reason i call "Matata" a miniature lion is because of a recent bizarre incident that happened in my house. matata catching and exting a bird.Here is a brief account of the incident that i entered in "Catsters diary" of matata.
As a Wild-life lover have watched numerous prey and predator action on "National Geographic" and "Animal Planet" on television.On Thursday(2-2-2012) a scene from the Savannah's of Africa was enacted in real life at my residence in Mumbai, an unbelievable fact of tomcat matata catching hold of a sparrow, killing it and later consuming the entire bird.I was not present at home during this bizarre incident as i daily cycle to Shivaji Park for a swim between 0900 hrs and 1000hrs at the "Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Olympic Pool" , my normal regular fitness program.When i returned from my swim at approx 1000 hrs my house-keeper Sabina.Dias was absolutely frightened having witnessed tomcat matata seize hold of a sparrow in the gallery and carry it below the living room settee.On Inspection realized that matata had eaten the entire bird, just a few feathers being proof of what was once a live sparrow.Having bred matata at home i had realized that he was ferocious, having total "BIG CAT PREDATORY TRAITS", although a total flop as a breeding "Stud Cat", akin to a gelding race-horse ,good at racing but unable to breed. The comparison to horses is because i am a big horse-racing fan and punter, an extension of my "SPECULATIVE INVESTMENT BUSINESS".Matata is equivalent of a miniature lion or tiger, more lion in looks due to his brownish colour and long mane ,having the same "Stalking " qualities of the "Big Cats". He has caught numerous lizards in our house but this was the first time that he actually caught a bird which happened to venture into my gallery.What surprised me most was that he ate the entire bird , a normal feature of "Feral Cats" as home bred outdoor cats normally kill mice or small birds and rarely eat them if house fed."Tomcat Matata" is definitely a "RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT" freak house bred cat.In future i have to be extra cautious while releasing parakeet "Mittoo" in the gallery every evening as matata can't be trusted anymore, can't blame him as its a natural instinct in both "Big Cats" and "Small cats" to prey on birds or mammals.His dam matahari is less feroscious although she has caught lizards at home.

Feb 10, 2012 Lion NEW
by: Michael

Handsome cat. He has a very strong face - lion like. Majestic and proud!

I think you had better spend some time on the carpet stalking your little lion with your camera on safari....

Hope you are all OK in Mumbai. Snow and cold here.


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